Inconvenienced by Your Aunt (Story)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Your aunt returned to the surface some time ago, hounded by scandal and devils. She has written you a letter. It seems she has a marvellous business idea, and seeks your help.

This is a FATE-locked story.

It was originally published in November 2010

The story can be unlocked from A letter from your aunt or The Aunt and the Embassy for 15 FATE points.
It can not be reset.

Wiki note: While the story itself cannot be reset, you can change your choice at the end if you Arrange a new profession for your aunt.

Notable Rewards and Tie-ins

The storyline is progressed through Standard Frequency cards. At the end, you must decide on a profession for your aunt, which determines your primary reward.

  • One of three Standard Frequency cards with a 30% Luck challenge that refreshes 10 actions on success. The cost and failure results are different for each ending. Items are only consumed upon failure. All three cards are locked if the player has :
    • Costs . Failure gives , , , , , and . Ending requires .
    • Costs . Failure gives , , , , . Ending requires 5.
    • Costs . Failure gives , , , , . Ending requires 5.
  • Unlocks an option in Port Carnelian that randomly gives either or .
  • Unlocks a card in The City of the Tracklayers that gives an amount of equal to + 220 and influences Hinterland City - Recent News.

Unique options (only in the The Aunt and the Embassy path) with:

  • s
  • & 5

Permanent starting storylet