Into the labyrinth
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Ambition: Light Fingers! The Labyrinth in Spite
The entrance to the labyrinth lies at the darkest end of a forgotten alleyway in Flowerdene. […] grimy and easy to miss. A breath of sour wind from within the maze blows little eddies in the fog. You wonder whether Edward's agents are watching.
[Find the rest of the story at]
Game Instructions: You'll need at least 800 candle stubs to get through the Labyrinth. You may want to take more, just in case. You won't be able to change outfit here; expect your Shadowy and Persuasive qualities to be tested.
Flowerdene recedes
As you walk beneath the archway, the comforting noises of Flowerdene - laughter, hawkers' exhortations, the occasional scream - fade into silence. […] You score a mark into the nearest wall and walk on, holding a candle before you.
[Find the rest of the story at]
You have moved to a new area: The shadows of the Orphanage
Ambition: Light Fingers! has increased to 38 - Explore the Orphanage!