Introduce your Inquisitive Lamp-Cat

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: A Cub's Education (Guide)

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From: The Dome of Scales, Becoming

It started out as a cat. Probably. Perhaps it still retains enough felinity to find common ground.

Unlocked with Inquisitive Lamp-cat

Locked with IntroLampCat (hidden)



[…] After a brief period of circling, […] the Lamp-Cat inclines its head in deference […] The Cub, mistaking the gesture as an overture to play, bats at the Lamp-Cat's peligin lure with a tiny paw. The Lamp-Cat hisses in alarm, […] and slinks off in a huff.

[Find the rest of the story at]