Invite a Correspondent acquaintance to educate the orphans

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: The Tower of Eyes: Behind Closed Doors at a Handsome Townhouse

Action Cost: 2

It's all very well to teach them their 'A's, 'B's and 'C's, but there are other, more profound alphabets...

Game Instructions: This will invite a friend to speak at your Orphanage, if they have the appropriate Profession. Make sure they come, or the children will be terribly disappointed. They hope someone's head will catch fire.

Unlocked with The Airs of London 80-100, 1 x An Orphanage, Engaged in a Scheme: an Orphanage 6

Your friend needs Profession: Correspondent

When Sent

The invitation is sent

You prepare a room on the ground floor. Somewhere airy, with plenty of doors and windows should an abrupt exit be necessary. On reflection, you move the desks further from the blackboard, as well.

Your friend will receive:

Envelopesmall.png [Friend], a believer in progressive education, would like you to teach a class on the Correspondence at their orphanage.

Once Accepted

You will receive:

[Friend]'s class is a success, its solitary modest fire quickly smothered. You've rarely seen the children so quiet. The doodles they scratch into their desks over the next week are problematic, though.

Your friend will receive:

Envelopesmall.png The class is a success. Only one small fire. [Friend]'s orphans ask uncannily incisive questions. Afterwards, you collect their Correspondence-scrawled slates. A few bear oblique variations you've not seen before. Fruitful accident? Or design?