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From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Ambition: Meet with the Monkey

You'll need a handsome stake – but if you're to learn the monkey's preferences for the venue, this is the only way. The grizzled zee-dogs playing gamble hard and never for echoes; they prefer currencies more in circulation in the ports they visit.

Unlocked with , ,

Locked with  (hidden),  2

Challenge information

Broad, 180

  • 123 - very chancy (41%)
  • 153 - chancy (51%)
  • 183 - modest (61%)
  • 213 - very modest (71%)
  • 244 - low-risk (81%)
  • 273 - straightforward (91%)
  • 300 - straightforward (100%)


Dry land

The Monkey barely acknowledges you at first [...]

[...] you manage to stay in play long enough to be its final opponent. At last, you broach your question. The Monkey […] points […] to where the zee can be seen [...] Not there, it gestures. Anywhere but there.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Ambition: Meet with the Monkey


Poor is the hand that deals the deck

Perhaps you've offended Lady Luck. You've definitely offended the monkey. Your skills are rusty[…]the monkey rolls its eyes. When you're eventually dealt out of the game, the monkey doesn't even acknowledge your exit.[…]

Description summary:
The monkey seems upset by how much time you've been spending with Mr Pages.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Ambition: Meet with the Monkey