Journey to the wedding 2

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Jungle orange.png
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Light Fingers: Prepare to Reclaim Your Child or Light Fingers: Prepare to Reclaim The Hybrid

Poor Edward left you very precise directions.

Game Instructions: Resolve any outstanding affairs in London first. You will be unable to return for some time.

Unlocked with  exactly 5

Locked with ,


The winding paths

You are going in a different direction to Hephaesta and her tiger. […]


Finally you come across […] a wrought iron gate. […]


Looming at the centre of the clearing is the Orphanage. […] here its reflection stands alone […]


You step into the Orphanage. […]

Description summary:
Part of the description varies based on your level of .

1Of course, last time you saw it, the real Orphanage was in flames. This version looks unscorched - it lives on in the dreams of those who escaped. The only reminder of the fire is an overpowering smell of smoke, and, if you listen, a faint crackling.
2Of course, last time you saw it, the real Orphanage was in the grip of a riot. Since then, you assume that a new crop of inmates has replaced the ones who escaped. Is that why this version of the Orphanage seems larger, somehow? Hungrier?

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Light Fingers: The Parabolan Orphanage