Learn Shadowy lessons from your surveillance

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Patience Rewarded

Your target tried and failed to keep something hidden. Consider what they did, and what they did wrong.

Unlocked with  [friend's name]

When Sent

A good bad example

Your notes proved an interesting study into how to not be caught. What terrible wonders will you and your friend be able to perpetrate with this knowledge?

In Messages Tab

You will receive:

  • You have kept the information gained while loitering to yourself. Only you and [friend's name] will learn from your mark's mistakes; everybody else will keep on making them.
  • You completed a Social Event: Patience Rewarded with [friend's name]

Your friend will receive:

[Your name] has elected to keep secret the information you gained while loitering. There's a lot to learn from your mark's mistakes, but only if nobody else knows them.