Learn the new thieves' cant

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The City of the Tracklayers (Guide)

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Officially Non-Criminal

It is rapidly evolving. Hinterlandcity.png [City Name] has its own names for everything.

Challenge information

Broad, Watchful 200

  • 137 - very chancy (41%)
  • 170 - chancy (51%)
  • 204 - modest (61%)
  • 237 - very modest (71%)
  • 270 - low-risk (81%)
  • 304 - straightforward (91%)
  • 334 - straightforward (100%)


[see below]


And then, certain words don't mean anything at all, unless they're picked up and repeated by others in the room. Those are signs of collective inclination, ways of testing how much risk or confidence is felt by the group as a whole.

Description summary:
The title and first paragraph vary, possibly based on the city's Hinterland City - Official Alignment.

Hinterland City - Official AlignmentTitleFirst Paragraph
Liberationist, Radical LiberationistFive words for gunpowder and ten for bombsThere's Tracklayer jargon and Hinterland terminology and urchin-cant [...] mingled together, and brand-new terms of art for new forms of theft. A favourite is to light a lamp across the street from the target, and distract everyone putting it out again.
Liberationist-PrehistoricistFive words for silver and ten for goldThere's Tracklayer jargon and Hinterland terminology and urchin-cant all mingled together, and brand-new terms of art. A flash-rustler is one who sets off a brilliant flare to shock baby animals before stealing them, for instance.
PrehistoricistFive words for beasts and ten for bonesThere's Tracklayer jargon and Hinterland terminology and urchin-cant all mingled together, and brand-new terms to distinguish stealing a valuable animal in the egg or as a chick or full-grown.
Radical PrehistoricistFive words for beasts and ten for bones[...] brand-new terms to distinguish things no one named before. A beef-fence [...] is a specialist in conveying cuttings of vegetable-creatures to London and selling them for use in factories there; a veal-fence does the same but sells to Society gardeners [...]
Prehistoricist-EmancipationistFive words for silver and ten for goldThere's Tracklayer jargon and Hinterland terminology and urchin-cant all mingled together, and brand-new terms to distinguish stealing a valuable animal in the egg or as a chick or full-grown.
Emancipationist, Radical Emancipationist, Anti-Liberationist, Anti-Prehistoricist, Anti-Emancipationist, Balanced, Complacently Unrevolutionary, UnknownFive words for silver and ten for goldThe pidgin is a mix of Tracklayer jargon and Hinterland dialects and the cant established by London gangs, and all the important terms have several synonyms.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]


A sinister sound to it

"Cnàmhan"? "Airgead"? "Möngölög", "arian", "bingley-pence"? You can't make head or tail, or for that matter, midsection out of it. And why does everyone copy everyone else?