Leave the Rat Market

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Rat Market (Guide)

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Description summary:
The description depends on the current status of the The Rat Market

Is the Rat Market open?DescriptionGame Instructions
YesDo your ears ring with the high-pitched squeaks of the hawkers? Do your knees creak from shuffling between stalls? Are your arms heavy with the weight of many miniature goods? Whatever the reason, it may be best to leave the Rat Market […] for now.You can get rid of any remaining Rat-Shillings by selling them in the other storylets in this area – or check the Bazaar tab.
NoMost sellers have packed up their stalls. Only the odd secret-seller or trinketmonger remains. It's time to go.You can get rid of any remaining Rat-Shillings by selling them in the Bazaar tab.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Storylet appears in


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    Action Cost: 0



    Rise above
