Make discreet inquiries into the Tragedy Procedures

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Influence the Spirit of the Age

A Dusty Legal Scholar will be happy to work through the worst of the verbiage with you.

Game Instructions: This will gain a few Cryptic Clues. It will not consume your Fragment of the Tragedy Procedures.

Unlocked with


Contingencies and plans

They wear heavy, thick spectacles; each golden rim is engraved with a few symbols of the Correspondence – clearly, this is how their rheumy eyes can read the exceedingly fine print. […] Eventually, they come across a passage that intrigues them.


Description summary:
The second paragraph varies with .

AirsSecond Paragraph
1 - 9"This lengthy section discusses what to do 'IN THE EVENT OF EGGFALL.' There's a lot of alarming discussion of 'soothing the Bazaar with appropriate oils and ointments' and 'working with London to prevent the hatching of any Higher Eggs.'"
10 - 19"Ah, a classic: 'NEXT CITY IMMINENT.' But I can't make out further details; your copy has been scratched over and rewritten too many times, I'm afraid."
20 - 29"This segment concerns 'THE SLEEPER, AWAKENING OF.' Most subsections are about tax and trade and especially coinage. The last section is missing, however."
30 - 39[…] 'TOTAL EPISTEMOLOGICAL BREAKDOWN.' Cause following effect, unknowns suddenly becoming known, that sort of thing. The solution seems to involve a dirigible and some kind of large boring machine? You might want to run this one past an engineer."
40 - 49"This one seems to not have been edited in a good while: 'SEVERE LACRE DEPLETION.' Most of the planning appears to concern some kind of party or festival to be thrown for Londoners at the Bazaar."
50 - 59"Ah, yes, 'NIGHT, IMMINENT LIBERATION OF,' a perennial favourite. There's a lot here about the city's supply of candles, turning one of the Bazaar's spires into a massive lighthouse […] I believe this scrawling […] means 'WILL THIS ACTUALLY WORK?' […]
60 - 69"Hm, this section is all but entirely blacked out. Something about a number, and someone returning? I suppose some secrets are too dangerous to commit to paper."
70 - 79"The heading reads 'ENFORCEMENT, ARRIVAL OF.' But the text is just meaningless legal meandering; almost as if someone was trying to disguise the fact that this is a contingency for which there are no plans."
80 - 89"Huh, this is a new one: 'NICATOR, RETURN OF.' Procedures describe the Masters bowing in servitude to a new King, and the Bazaar celebrating the beginning of a 'new golden age' with a 'joyous expulsion of lacre.' Are you sure this is authentic?"
90 - 100"An interesting one: 'IS/IS-NOT DISTINCTION, FAILURE OF.' […] The one thing the Masters are in agreement about this is that Mrs Plenty's Carnival should be 'allowed to sink into the zee at the earliest possible date, to minimise continued intrusions.'"

[Find the rest of the story at]