Noman's Friend/NomansFriendCalculators

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Total Loss Calculator[edit]

Warning: as of September 2023, this Calculator is no longer accurate. It may be used to give a rough estimate for any date up to Whitsun, but the values should not be depended upon

This calculates the total amount of Noman's Friend required to survive until Millicent's Parlour opens (usually the second Thursday of February), or a different date if preferred. It uses formulas which reflect observed behaviour in 2022-2024 and is specific to the systems in place for those years.

  • This Calculator assumes you already have a Noman and doesn't account for the Lacre you'll need to make one. See the Noman Tattoo Guide for advice on how to source this, although between free pails and Taste of Lacre from Snowbound, Advent, and the 12 Days of Mr Sacks you usually only need 1-2 pails extra or to use your Tears once or twice.
  • Calculations are based on data and patterns observed in early 2022-2024 and can't guarantee results, especially outside that time period. Additionally, rounding irregularities might cause results to be off by ~1 NF or so every month beyond January.
  • The Calculator allows up to 11 months, but dates after Whitsun are increasingly imprecise estimates and nomans will never survive a whole year.
  • Set Bonus Week to "on" if Time, the Healer occurs on the End Date AND before noon, giving you a "bonus" melt that occurs on that last day (lucky you!)
 template = :Noman's Friend/Template:NomansFriendLoss
 form = NomansFriendLoss
 result = NomansFriendLossResult
 param = start|Current Noman's Friend|100|int|1-77777
 param = startdate|Your next Time the Healer (with a Noman) is on||group|month1, day1
 param = month1|Month|1|int|1-11
 param = day1|Day|5|int|1-31
 param = enddate|Your Noman should survive until at least||group|month2, day2
 param = month2|Month|2|int|1-11
 param = day2|Day|13|int|1-31
 param = extra|Bonus Week|0|toggleswitch|1,0
Calculator loading...