Observe the Red-Handed Queen moving among the rose-garden of Caduceus

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Dome of Scales, Adorned with Rubies

Once the devils lived in Parabola. They have passed on now, but what have they left behind?

Game Instructions: Success will raise your Shadowy Gains if they are currently 24. This is one of several ways to raise Shadowy Gains; depending on your most recent Parabolan War campaign, you might also approach this tale from a different perspective.

Unlocked with Shadowy Gains 24, Base Shadowy 224, 64 x Well-Placed Pawn, 3 x Favours: The Great Game


Backside of the mirror

Both devils and Fingerkings acknowledge that the devils passed through here. They are more canny about why the devils left […] and why Hell now largely avoids Parabola. Neither side ever mentions the presence of the Red-Handed Queen in their dealings.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Redirects to: An Ancient Refuge Site