Observe the end of a season

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From: The Gamekeeper's Cottage, Renovated

Mr Hearts has graced the cottage to ceremonially end a season, and begin the next one.

Game Instructions: This will give you end-of-season rewards for the last season you played in, and let you play in the current season.

Unlocked with  100

Locked with  [current season]


An ending, and a beginning

Description summary:
The description changes based on the new Season of Hearts' Game.

NascencyMr Hearts stands sombre […]. "We begin again," […] "We do not forget what we […] learned, but seek to surpass it. Repetition. Reproduction. Corroboration." […]

Then […] tension leaves its frame. "May the Season of Nascency birth fresh agonies and delights for us all."

ExcessMr Hearts is purring […] "My thanks to you all […] Much is learned, and […] accomplished. […] It is time for the rules to become more... permissive. Indulge your obsessions. Pursue your desires. The Season of Excess is upon us."

[…] "You may commence."

DaresMr Hearts paces the parlour. [...] "You have not been sufficiently audacious. [...] I have made adjustments to the rules [...]. Become more – more savage, more ruthless [...]. Thus the Season of Dares begins."

[...] "Well? What are you still doing here?"

DevotionsMr Hearts [...]

"Yes, yes. It is time again for a new season." [...] "Guard your hearts. Aid your fellows. Shrive yourself of foulness. Commence the Season of Devotions."

[...] It seems the Page of Gambits has been suspended [...] 'Infraction: they know what they did'

Irreverences[...] "My congratulations on a fruitful season, my dears! [...] Our methods have proven sound! [...]"

An umpire [...] hands the Master a clipboard [...] "Eccentricity is the watchword. Variation. Mutation. The shapeful and the shapeling. [...] Please begin the Season of Irreverences."

Duplicities[...] Mr Hearts [...] stands by the hearth, dropping sheafs of paper into the fireplace [...]

[...] "There are [...] other players, and our successes do not fit their plan." [...]

"And so it is time for the Season of Duplicities! Confuse. Confound. [...] Seed false records with the true." [...]

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

With any Wins this Season:

With at least 7 x  Wins this Season:

With any Trophies this Season:

Non-conditional effects: