Offer a pail of Hellworm Milk

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: De Gustibus in Whitsun

While it is not suitable for the Apicius Club's immediate consumption, they know of a Questionable Cheesemonger who might be interested...

Game Instructions: You will lose your pail of Hellworm Milk. You can only do this at most two times each Whitsun.

Unlocked with

Locked with  2



The Questionable Cheesemonger […] takes the pail of frothy liquid from your hands […] "I've a cheese ripening cave down in Spite. A year […] and we'll have a beauty of a cheese wheel, you'll see."

A year. Well then. Some things in life are worth the wait?

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: Return next Whitsun to collect your ripened wheel of Hellworm cheese.