Offer the King your Barnacled Headpiece

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Fruits of the Zee Festival (Guide)

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From: A Gift of Coral

It is not quite a crown.

Game Instructions: This will exchange your coral for a hat that reduces Troubled Waters build-up. You will receive one of three versions of this equipment.

Unlocked with Barnacled Headpiece



The King-in-Coral receives your gift with tenderness, like a parent holding their child. The coral cracks and deforms [...], as if the subject of a quick and violent riptide. [...] Something is contained within this fragile skin of zee-bright polyps [...]


Description summary:
The second paragraph varies based on the Sights at the Festival.

SightsSecond Paragraph
1 - 33[...] Left [...] is a single pearl. [...] "Apologies, but this we shall keep for ourselves. In return, we offer you this: a quelling-song from Dahut. A melody to appease turbulent waters." The tune is low and soothing, and repeats in your mind like a lullaby.
34 - 66[...] Left [...] is a battered leather mass. He shakes it [...] It's a hat – a tricorne, once-dashing and roguish but mangled into shabbiness by repeated contact with the monsters of the zee. "Zailors are not always careful [...] I trust you will be more so."
67 - 100[...] Left in the King-in-Coral's hands is a vibrant bundle of rose and yellow weave. A shawl, and accompanying hood, deep and enigmatic. "Iremi [...] We share a knowledge of destiny, you know, although our methods are very different."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: There are two other versions of this item with the same stats. You can trade them, like-for-like, with specific traders in 'The Fruit Market', or break open another piece of coral.

With Sights at the Festival 1 - 33:

With Sights at the Festival 34 - 66:

With Sights at the Festival 67 - 100: