Palaeontological Fads

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

What determines current tastes? Perhaps nothing more than chance.

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Palaeontological Fads
1 – 3Newspapers luridly depict the monsters uncovered in the mud near the Stolen River.
4Newspapers print headlines such as 'Lyme Regis: Genuine Surface Town or Hoax?'
5 – 9Newspapers report unusual bones washing up near the Docks.
10 – 14Newspapers report on an influx of bones from further up-river.
15 – 19Newspapers report an astonishing find near Wolfstack.
20 – 24Newspapers carry articles such as 'Let the Behemoths be Reborn!' and 'Restore Ancient Life!'
25 – 29Rubbery Men are flocking to view skeletons on display.
30 – 34Someone has traced an outline of helical bones on the statue of a former Lord Mayor. Implying the former Mayor was of Rubbery extraction?
35 – 39Rubbery Men are seen carting piles of thigh-bones around London.
40 – 44There is a brief fad for hats trimmed with fossilised birds.
45 – 46Fashion introduces ballgowns with dinosaur-tail trains in scale-covered fabrics.
47 – 49Every Salon in town is booking Palaeontologists to speak.
50 – 59Learned treatises on palaeozoology are being sold on every corner.
60 – 69Monthly serials tell the story of the Palaeolithic Frog-Man.
70 – 74The Constabulary have put up posters seeking a wanted bone-thief.
75 – 79A lurid popular novel describes the activities of a Forensic Palaeontologist who sometimes assists the Law.
80 – 84The devout circulate pamphlets advising against too much interest in the bones of the Ancient World.
85 – 89Sermons in Church preach against trying to bring back extinct creatures.
90 – 94Even small children are wild for antique creatures.
95 – 100An Urchin goes around town offering genuine coprolites for sale.