Perform above and beyond in the field of duty

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Station IX (Provisional)

Not every dirigible that goes up comes back down. The Commodore has an Obliterator – the Hecuba – in the field that has run into difficulty. He has given it up for lost.

Game Instructions: This will unlock a unique item at the end of the event.

Unlocked with 20000 x  Service to London, The Rank of Flight Captain, You have your own commissioned airship. Airship Name

Locked with One of the Admiralty's best is imperilled.


Always returning

You take your trusted crew and board the [airship name].[...]

[...] The Starved have[...] moved one of their citadels to trap the craft [...]

Cautiously,[...] you give the order to move in[...] and fire.

[...]There are cheers[...] when the two crafts land[...] within [...] Station IX once more.