Persuade Virginia

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From: Debating Matters of Business with the Board

Once a Mayor. Always a Deviless.

Game Instructions: She is ripe for bribery. Other branches in this storylet may help to persuade her.

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Challenge information

Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.[[Category: Challenge|0100]]<ul><li>Empty strings are not accepted.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>Broad, 100

  • 69 - very chancy (41%)
  • 85 - chancy (51%)
  • 102 - modest (61%)
  • 119 - very modest (71%)
  • 135 - low-risk (81%)
  • 152 - straightforward (91%)
  • 167 - straightforward (100%)

Base difficulty is probably 100, increased by 40 points per , and 20 points per , , and . Every point of reduces the base difficulty by 40 points.

QuestionBase Difficulty
1 - Recommending a Route through Occupied Buildings240
2 - Proposing the Demolition of Unused Houses380
3 - Recommending a Route over Marshland160
4 - Recommending a Route through Plainsland180
5 - Route through Hills160
7 - Recommending a Route across a Ravine360
9 - Recommending a Route through Wasteland100
10 - Proposing the Removal of His Amused Lordship160
11 - Proposing the Removal of the Efficient Commissioner200
12 - Proposing the Removal of the Jovial Contrarian100
13 - Proposing the Removal of Sinning Jenny100
14 - Proposing the Removal of Feducci400
16 - Proposing the Removal of Furnace Ancona100
17 - Proposing the Removal of the Dean of Xenotheology100
18 - Proposing the Removal of the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's300
19 - Proposing the Removal of the Bishop of Southwark100
20 - Proposing the Removal of the Tentacled Entrepreneur100
21 - Proposing the Removal of the Gracious Widow100
22 - Proposing the Removal of April100
23 - Proposing the Removal of the Wandering Gondolier300
24 - Proposing the Removal of September100
26 - Proposing the Removal of the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle200
27 - Proposing the Removal of the Rubbery Yes-Man<100
28 - Proposing the Removal of the Hell-Scarred Gondolier300
29 - Proposing the Removal of Cornelius, the Bandaged Prehistoricist100
30 - Proposing the Removal of January100
31 - Proposing the Removal of the Wry Functionary100
32 - Proposing the Removal of the Delightful Reverend100
33 - Proposing the Removal of the Drummer500
35 - Proposing the Removal of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner160
37 - Proposing the Removal of the Implacable Detective200
100 - Proposing a Station Plan100
105 - Proposing a Station Plan more like a Fortress100
115 - Proposing a Station Plan styled in the Manner of Hell100
120 - Proposing a Station Plan that Honours the Bazaar100
130 - Proposing a Station Plan that Speaks to the Glory of London and the Empress100
140 - Proposing a Station Plan Suited to Wasteland100
150 - Proposing a Station Plan Suited to a Surface Summer380
160 - Proposing an ice-resistant route and a well-insulated station100
170 - Proposing the connection to the final station at Marigold100
181 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Ealing Gardens100
182 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near the Magistracy of the Evenlode100
183 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Balmoral240
184 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Station VIII100
185 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Burrow-infra-Mump380
186 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City somewhere between Moulin and Hurlers, as no one sensible wants that land at all100
200 - Recommending Better Defences for Each Train300 + (60 × )
205 - Recommending More Baggage Accommodations for Each Train260 + (60 × )
210 - Recommending More Luxurious Fittings for Each Train100 + (60 × )
220 - Recommending More Worker Compensation420
230 - Recommending Worker Co-ownership420
240 - Recommending the Strike be Broken100
250 - Requesting Funds to Excavate the Remains of a Prehistoric Creature160 or 220
260 - Suggesting the Union Pave Over a Prehistoric Creature100
270 - Requesting Funds to Route Around an Anomalous Section of London200
280 - Proposing to Drive the Track through the Zone180
340 - Proposing a Charter engaging in the Work of the Church520
400 - Proposing to Pay Dividends to Shareholders300 + (20 × )
500 - Proposing a Bypass through Parabola300 or 500
510 - Proposing the Rental of Hellworms200
520 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell100
521 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Feducci's Guidance240
522 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following April's Guidance300
525 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Bishop of Southwark's Guidance380
526 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following His Amused Lordship's Guidance100
527 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Wandering Gondolier's Guidance240
528 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Cornelius' Guidance240
529 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Viscountess' Guidance100
600 - Proposing that the Board Endorse the Tentacled Entrepreneur for Lord Mayor280
610 - Proposing that the Board Endorse the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle for Lord Mayor100
620 - Proposing that the Board Endorse F. F. Gebrandt for Lord Mayor280
700 - Proposing that the Unyielding Highlander become Castellan of Balmoral100
710 - Proposing that September become Castellan of Balmoral340
720 - Proposing that the Fervent Widow become Castellan of Balmoral
800 - Proposing a tracklayer aligned with Mr Fires100
850 - Proposing Cornelius to lead300
905 - Proposing the Dean of Xenotheology as Patron of the Burrow Church500
910 - Proposing the Bishop of St Fiacre's as Patron of the Burrow Church700
931 - Resuming Normal Operations with Furnace in Charge420
932 - Supporting Cornelius' Prehistoricist Building Approach260
933 - Supporting a Brightly-Lit Building Approach220
934 - Proposing a Package of Measures to Resume Normal Operations180
940 - Proposing special consideration to certain charitable groups400 or 440
941 - Proposing a dividend be paid out to the poor of the Hinterlands400 or 440
1000 - Proposing an expensive tribute to the Hillchanger Tower500
1020 - Proposing a calendrical tribute to the Hillchanger Tower480
1030 - Proposing a legalistic tribute to the Hillchanger Tower340
1100 - Proposing to send your train to war in Parabola
(Cats, FKs, Gent, Visc., Other)
1110 - Proposing to build a spur line into Parabola so that you can send in a war-train300


She is convinced!

Virginia always holds your eye a long time before she agrees to anything. But you've brought her around this time.

Description summary:
The text varies with the Question before the Board. The text above is the generic result[1]; questions with more specific results are listed below.

[Find the rest of the story at]

  1. Used for questions 1 - 3, 5 - 12, 14, 16 - 24, 26, 27, 30 - 33, 35, 37, 200, 210 - 280, 300 - 320, 340, 500, 520 - 522, 525 - 529, 931 - 934
QuestionSuccess Description
4"That territory is dangerous, but so are the alternatives," says Virginia. It does not sound as though the wellbeing of the workers concerns her terribly much.
13"Oh, my distinguished predecessor served the city well […] But she hasn't kept up with the changes the rest of us have brought in. […] we could find more inspired advice elsewhere." Is she annoyed that she hasn't been able to acquire Jenny's soul?
28"We can let him go if we must," says Virginia, with a malicious smile. "But I have so been enjoying his travelogues. He's very troubled by them, for someone who never got very far into Hell."
29"Oh, well," says Virginia with a shrug. "He's an interesting case, of course, but someone's already had his soul off him. There's not much more I can do with him. Send him on his way, if you like."
100, 105, 120 - 170Virginia frowns at the plans, then sighs. "It is affordable," she says. "A reasonable allocation of resources. I would have hoped for something more striking – a building with teeth and thorns – but it seems that is not to be."
115Virginia is enthusiastic about the plans. "Of course, it merely imitates the style of Hell," she says wryly. "But better to imitate greatness than achieve mediocrity."
181 - 186"Don't know that I will want to visit," says Virginia. "But if this will complete our railway, I vote aye."
205Virginia consents to the plan, in the voice of one who has sat through far too many meetings during her term as Mayor.
400Virginia grudgingly agrees, even though the payment is not to be made in either souls or Nevercold Brass.
510"An entirely wise and reasonable solution," says Virginia. "I would be happy to help make the appropriate arrangements."
600 - 620Virginia smiles darkly. "Certainly," she says. "The next Lord Mayor will have trouble living up to my legacy regardless of who it is, but let us embrace the contrast."
700, 720"This castle," says Virginia, "would not qualify for an outhouse in Hell. Elect someone or do not, but let us move on to more interesting subjects."
710"He'll cause an interesting disturbance," says Virginia. "September it is."
800"He sounds tedious," says Virginia. "Have him if you like, as long as you don't bring him to board meetings."
850"A chilling selection," says Virginia, looking amused in a very ominous way. "By all means, do bring him in."
905"Oh yes, why not," Virginia says chuckling. "I'm sure she'll do a wonderful job. I look forward to her Rubbery hymnbook with interest." The Dean sets her jaw and glares at her notes.
910"Oh no what will do without the Bishop how shall we cope I cannot imagine," Virginia drawls. "Oh well. I'm sure we shall manage somehow. On you go."
940Virginia nods. "Why, I could hardly oppose engaging in such charity."
941Virginia nods. "Why, I could hardly oppose engaging in such charity."
1000, 1020, 1030Virginia looks relaxed. "Arrangements such as this one are common. If London is inexperienced with them, Hell is not."
1100, 1110Virginia grins. "Oh yes. Let's give that wretched place a real London hello."
Other VotesSecond paragraph of Success Description
The Bishop of Saint Fiacre's"Even the Devil can quote Scripture," remarks the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's, in a low voice.
The Bishop of SouthwarkThe Bishop of Southwark launches out of his chair and paces back and forth at the end of the room, scowling. Virginia opposing him is bad enough. Virginia agreeing with him is apparently intolerable.

Redirects to: Debating Matters of Business with the Board



[See table below]
QuestionFailure Description
1 - 3Virginia remarks that she's rarely impressed by London cartography.
7, 9Virginia peruses the maps with a closed mouth and raised eyebrows. London cartography doesn't impress her.
4Loss of too many workers might cause delays and extra costs," she remarks. "I wonder whether a safer direction might be found?"
5"Those hills are not so unoccupied as they appear," she says. "And it will require a lot of explosives to make them suitable for track laying."
10 - 14, 16 - 18, 20 - 24, 26, 30, 31"By all means, let's get rid of someone […] The Board is overcrowded. But I would prefer to start elsewhere." It isn't clear whether she has someone in mind, but everyone else assumes she means them, and the next five minutes get rather heated.
19"Southwark is a blowhard and an enemy of Hell," […] "But he has elevated his hatred to a performance art. I've never been able to cause anyone quite so much distress simply by walking into a room. Please don't deprive me of that pleasure. […]
28"Oh, no, surely not," says Virginia. "One of the few colleagues on the Board with Hell's interests in mind? Even if he does have a very unorthodox interpretation of a few things. But nonetheless. I couldn't let him go."
29"I'd hate to let him go," says Virginia. "It's true his Soul is already gone, so there's nothing to hope for there. But what a piece of artistry! My fellow Deviless did an astonishing bit of work with him, I will say."
32Virginia indicates that she has no objection to parting with 'any of our overly liturgical friends'.
33, 35, 37Virginia looks extremely pained all of the sudden. "I wouldn't," she says. "I really cannot advise that course."
100, 105, 115 - 170"Well," says Virginia, her brows arched. "I can see without meeting her that the architect has a clear soul." When the rest of the board does not know how to take this apparently devastating remark, Virginia clarifies that it is a Nay vote.
181 - 186"Perhaps a bit closer to Hell would be best?," asks Virginia. "They are hoping to be independent of London, are they not?"
200Virginia offers two or three weary sentences about the military imagination of London. "This will offer as much protection as wrapping the train in brown paper," she says. "We should spend our money elsewhere."
205"Furtive shipping of cargo," she says glumly. "This is not quite the ambition I had for the train."
210Virginia's mouth crooks. "It's a very London sort of decoration. I don't expect that we'll be able to tempt very many Devils away from the accommodations of the Moloch Line, but if we hope to attract any, […] something a bit smarter?"
220 - 280Virginia exhales impatiently. "Get other workers. Bring in Clay Men. This is a difficulty that Mr Fires does not face. We cannot afford to face it either."
300These precepts irritate Virginia. "One needs a slogan for an election," she says. "But no one is voting for the Company."
310 - 320, 340, 932Virginia scowls and comments that this is the sort of thing she would expect from a set of Londoners.
400Virginia argues that the company's dividends ought to be paid half in conventional currency and half in Souls. Half an hour is lost discussing the sourcing of the Souls and whether they would require proper licenses or contracts.
500"The Devils have our own history with Parabola […] I would not rely too heavily on the cooperation anyone who lives in dreams, whether cat or snake or embodied nightmare. If you meet an ambulatory pie in Parabola, you should distrust that as well."
510"Ordinarily, I would favour this solution […] But I have a few reservations about the particular set of Devils who breed the Hellworms. […] I would want to […] make sure that they did not expect to take advantage of the board in some regard."
520 - 522, 525 - 529"I would approach this from an entirely different direction," says Virginia drily. "And I think I may claim greater familiarity with this part of the Neath than almost anyone else at this table."
600Virginia does not think much of this plan. "No candidate meets my standards," she remarks.
620"F. F. Gebrandt is attempting to manage emotions […] But without the expertise in souls, she can be no more than a charlatan." Someone […] points out that Virginia's soul experiments have not been entirely satisfying. There is a sulphurous silence.
700, 720"Someone else, please," says Virginia. "I've never met someone with such a... gant-coloured soul."
710"I have no taste for putting Revolutionaries in power," she says.
800"I would prefer another proposal," says Virginia. "I don't think he is very sympathetic to Devils."
850Virginia looks arch but remarks that she knows all about this individual, that he has been the talk of Devilesses for some time, and that she doubts whether he can be trusted. She refuses to answer further questions on the topic.
905, 910Virginia shakes her head. "We cannot afford to be distracted by such nonsense. A church, I ask you. Why not build a public lavatory or something useful?"
931, 933 - 934Virginia raises one eyebrow. "Is this really our only alternative? I think not."
940 - 941Virginia shakes her head. "A waste of money and time, darling."
1000, 1020, 1030"I have no objection," says Virginia, "to making an arrangement with this power. But I do question whether this is the most advantageous route."
1100, 1110"Nothing good has ever come from that place […] I happen to rather like our trains. I would not see one sacrificed for a war that does not matter […] No offence. But the only one worth fighting has already been won and you sit among its victors now."
Board MemberSecond paragraph of Failure Description
The Wandering GondolierThe Wandering Gondolier is listening attentively. Virginia notices. "I am not your governess," she says to him. "Fawn too much and you'll curdle your soul."

Redirects to: Debating Matters of Business with the Board