Persuade the Drummer

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From: Debating Matters of Business with the Board

Can one even say it is open to persuasion?

Game Instructions: It is possibly affected by Corruption. Maybe.

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Challenge information

Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.[[Category: Challenge|0100]]<ul><li>Empty strings are not accepted.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>Broad, 100

  • 69 - very chancy (41%)
  • 85 - chancy (51%)
  • 102 - modest (61%)
  • 119 - very modest (71%)
  • 135 - low-risk (81%)
  • 152 - straightforward (91%)
  • 167 - straightforward (100%)

Base difficulty is 100, which is increased by 60 per point of , and 20 per point of , and . Every point of reduces the difficulty by 40 points, also each point of reduces the difficulty by 20 points.

QuestionBase Difficulty
10 - Proposing the Removal of His Amused Lordship100
11 - Proposing the Removal of the Efficient Commissioner100
12 - Proposing the Removal of the Jovial Contrarian100
13 - Proposing the Removal of Sinning Jenny200
14 - Proposing the Removal of Feducci400
15 - Proposing the Removal of Virginia700
16 - Proposing the Removal of Furnace Ancona100
17 - Proposing the Removal of the Dean of Xenotheology240
18 - Proposing the Removal of the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's300
19 - Proposing the Removal of the Bishop of Southwark300
20 - Proposing the Removal of the Tentacled Entrepreneur100
21 - Proposing the Removal of the Gracious Widow100
22 - Proposing the Removal of April100
23 - Proposing the Removal of the Wandering Gondolier400
24 - Proposing the Removal of September100
26 - Proposing the Removal of the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle0
27 - Proposing the Removal of the Rubbery Yes-Man100
28 - Proposing the Removal of the Hell-Scarred Gondolier400
29 - Proposing the Removal of Cornelius, the Bandaged Prehistoricist100
30 - Proposing the Removal of January100
31 - Proposing the Removal of the Wry Functionary100
32 - Proposing the Removal of the Delightful Reverend300
35 - Proposing the Removal of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner200
37 - Proposing the Removal of the Implacable Detective200
100 - Proposing a Station Plan100
105 - Proposing a Station Plan more like a Fortress100
115 - Proposing a Station Plan styled in the Manner of Hell300
120 - Proposing a Station Plan that Honours the Bazaar100
130 - Proposing a Station Plan that Speaks to the Glory of London and the Empress100
140 - Proposing a Station Plan Suited to Wasteland100
150 - Proposing a Station Plan Suited to a Surface Summer100
160 - Proposing an ice-resistant route and a well-insulated station100
170 - Proposing the connection to the final station at Marigold100
181 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Ealing Gardens100
182 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near the Magistracy of the Evenlode100
183 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Balmoral240
184 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Station VIII100
186 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City somewhere between Moulin and Hurlers, as no one sensible wants that land at all100
187 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Marigold Station, under the walls of Hell300
200 - Recommending Better Defences for Each Train400
205 - Recommending More Baggage Accommodations for Each Train100
210 - Recommending More Luxurious Fittings for Each Train200
230 - Recommending Worker Co-ownership100
300 - Proposing a Vote of Self-congratulation300
310 - Proposing a Charitable Gift100
320 - Proposing a Scientific Charter340
330 - Proposing a Charter declaring an Alliance with Hell300
340 - Proposing a Charter engaging in the Work of the Church700
400 - Proposing to Pay Dividends to Shareholders100
520 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell240
521 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Feducci's Guidance100
522 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following April's Guidance300
523 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Virginia's Guidance300
525 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Bishop of Southwark's Guidance520
526 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following His Amused Lordship's Guidance100
528 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Cornelius' Guidance100
529 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Viscountess' Guidance240
700 - Proposing that the Unyielding Highlander become Castellan of Balmoral100
710 - Proposing that September become Castellan of Balmoral100
720 - Proposing that the Fervent Widow become Castellan of Balmoral100
905 - Proposing the Dean of Xenotheology as Patron of the Burrow Church900
910 - Proposing the Bishop of St Fiacre's as Patron of the Burrow Church700
940 - Proposing special consideration to certain charitable groups100
941 - Proposing a dividend be paid out to the poor of the Hinterlands100
1000 - Proposing an expensive tribute to the Hillchanger Tower100
1020 - Proposing a calendrical tribute to the Hillchanger Tower240
1030 - Proposing a legalistic tribute to the Hillchanger Tower100
1100 - Proposing to send your train to war in Parabola
(Cats, FKs, Gent, Visc., Other)
100 (Cats, Visc.)
0 (FKs, Gent)
60 (Other)
1110 - Proposing to build a spur line into Parabola so that you can send in a war-train100
1200 - Proposing a final extension of track100


It is convinced!

The only answer is a single, low, penetrating vibration that makes the teeth rattle in the skull. This is 'yes', or the only approximation you're going to receive.

Description summary:
The text varies with the Question before the Board. The text above is the generic result[1]; questions with more specific results are listed below.

[Find the rest of the story at]

This article is incomplete. You can help the Fallen London Wiki (Staging) by expanding it.

Reason: Success text with Questions 527, 910

  1. Used for questions 100 - 170, 181 - 184, 186, 187, 200 - 210, 230, 300 - 320, 340, 932
QuestionSuccess Description
10 - 14, 16 - 17, 20 - 24, 26 - 27, 29 - 31, 35, 37A low rumble like thunder over a plain. It appears the Drummer is indifferent to the fates of its fellow boardmembers.
15A steady drumbeat goes up like a funeral march. Virginia's expression is ashen, as though she recognises the tune.
18 - 19A steady cascade of a drumbeat rolls on, rising in intensity to a pitch and pace like cannonfire. It seems the Drummer enjoys the humiliation of its colleagues in the cloth.
28Silence. Nothin– BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. The table rattles and shakes as violently as if it were on one of your engines. It would appear that the Drummer is very keen to see the back of the Hell-Scarred Gondolier.
32There is silence for a moment until someone goes to speak, then a long heavy series of beats, like a funeral march. This continues for a full hour. It would seem the Drummer wishes the Reverend's departure to be carried out with appropriate ceremony.
182, 230, 320, 932The only answer is a single, low penetrating vibration that makes the teeth rattle in the skull. This is 'yes', or the only approximation you're going to receive.
400The drum-beat this time sounds suspiciously like the jangling of a cash-box.
520Is it possible for a drum-beat to sound like laughter? For the rat-tat to resemble a mocking invitation?
521A lively percussive rhythm sounds from the Drummer's empty seat. It is the anthem of Arbor, where once Feducci resided. As it ends, Feducci applauds, before lapsing into a contemplative silence.
522A single heavy thud like the fall of a bomb, unexploded. The Drummer does not object.
523A drumbeat sounds like a victory anthem as Virginia raises her glass. Is the Drummer offering her a toast? She frowns, evidently unsettled, hand reaching for her derringer just as the sound stops.
525A bang like a cannon of roses fired at the heart of London's armies. The Bishop starts, but the Drummer has given its approval.
526A victory anthem begins: beat by solemn beat. It is an ancient piece, played sometimes in the Brass Embassy when brandy has been flowing and days best forgotten are remembered. It was once the traditional music for the entrance of princes into Hell.
528A silence from the Drummer. It seems the matter of Cornelius' ancient animals concerns the Drummer not a whit. Cornelius lets out a long breath of relief.
529A hollow beat begins like the dream of a heart. The Viscountess sways in time with the atonal rhythm: a remembrance of a place in Parabola where once she walked.
700A harsh staccato beat sounds like a gunshot. Is it a yes? Half of your board clutch their chests in shock.
710A bang sounds like a grenade going off. It would seem that the Drummer is very happy to leave Balmoral in September's hands.
720, 905Silence. It is not assent, but nor is it dissent. It seems on this the Drummer cannot or does not care to have an opinion.
940 - 941, 1000, 1020 - 1030A light tap sounds, like might be made from bone hitting bone. The Drummer relents. This time.
1100 - 1110A long roll of the drums like thunder. The Drummer has unfinished business with the kingdom behind the glass.
1200A light tap sounds but swift and skittering. The Drummer finds this prospect exciting.

Redirects to: Debating Matters of Business with the Board



The reply comes as a rat-a-tat like an infantry's marching band, a furious refusal packaged in a threat.

Description summary:
The text varies with the Question before the Board. The text above is the generic result[1]; questions with more specific results are listed below.

[Find the rest of the story at]

This article is incomplete. You can help the Fallen London Wiki (Staging) by expanding it.

Reason: Failure text with Question 528, 910

  1. Used for questions 35, 37, 100, 105, 115 - 170, 181 - 184, 186, 187, 200 - 210, 230, 300 - 320, 340, 520, 932, 1000, 1020, 1030
QuestionFailure Description
10 - 14, 16 - 18, 20 - 22, 24, 29 - 31A deathly silence from the Drummer. It would appear the standing of its colleagues means little to a Prince of Hell entombed in Parabolan glass.
15A silence. Has the Drummer nothing to say on the matter of its infernal colleague? Then a long drumroll begins like thunder. Is the Drummer committing to a view? Or is it relishing the humiliation of a hero of the Season of revolutions?
19The sound of cannon. The scream of horses. The smell of roses that drifts along the table like perfume. Is the Drummer defending the Bishop of Southwark?
23, 28The smell of burning roses pervades the boardroom, accompanied by the sound of a single drumbeat, heavy as the adumbration of a heart. The Drummer, it seems, has strong feelings on the matter of the Gondolier.
32A great bang goes off like a firework or a military cannon. The sound shakes the table and breaks several glasses sat before the Board. It would appear the Drummer does not care for the removal of the Delightful Reverend.
230, 320The reply comes as a rat-a-tat like an infantry's marching band, a furious refusal packaged in a threat.
400Deep, discouraging thuds. It is unclear whether the Drummer objects to this particular dividend, or to the concept of human profit entirely. But it is not on your side.
521A strange and sinuous series of rolling drumbeats sounds from the Drummer's empty seat. Feducci sits bolt upright, as though he recognises the tune. His feet beat of their own accord, twitching […] After a while, the Drummer ceases to play.
522A lengthy series of bangs and booms goes up, […] timed to mimic the effect of an incautious personage blundering across the munition-littered battlefields of Hell. April […] scrawls a new design for a bomb, to be concealed within the skin of a drum.
523A sound that sounds like the tearing of silks, the breaking of wines and the dancing of many massive legs on many tiny bottles of perfume. Virginia clenches her jaw.
525A sound that sounds distinctively like a church bell falling from a high place and shattering into a thousand tiny pieces, before something large and eight-legged dances upon the shards. The Bishop of Southwark pales.
526A great drum beat echoes around the room, drowning out His Amused Lordship's words. His Amused Lordship makes a face, displeased to have encountered something louder than he.
527A great rolling boom such as might be made by a small boat being splintered into a dozen pieces. The Wandering Gondolier gulps.
529The mocking hiss and rattle of maracas, pitched to sound almost like the triumph of snakes. The Viscountess bares her claws.
700 - 720A long series of drumbeats goes out that rattle your teeth […] As violent flashes roll through your head like lightning, your bleeding ears wonder if the Drummer is performing some malevolent parody of God Save the Queen. That can't be right? Can it?
905A long series of drumbeats goes out that rattle your teeth […] As violent flashes roll through your head like lightning, your bleeding ears wonder if the Drummer is performing some malevolent parody of a wedding march. That can't be right? Can it?
940 - 941A single bell sounds from somewhere that feels like the base of your spine, sounding through your bones and rattling your teeth like coins in a jar. It would seem that the Drummer does not care for charity.
1100 - 1110A single bell tolls, funeral and distant. The Drummer has no wish to engage with Parabola if it can avoid it. It is not, of course, afraid. Merely prudent.
1200The Drummer replies with a single boom. Revolution only made things worse in Hell; perhaps it does not care to foster more Revolutionaries.

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