Persuade the Tentacled Entrepreneur/Tables

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)


Question before the BoardBase Difficulty
1 - Recommending a Route through Occupied Buildings380
2 - Proposing the Demolition of Unused Houses100
3 - Recommending a Route over Marshland160
4 - Recommending a Route through Plainsland180
5 - Route through Hills100
7 - Recommending a Route across a Ravine380
9 - Recommending a Route through Wasteland100
10 - Proposing the Removal of His Amused Lordship360
11 - Proposing the Removal of the Efficient Commissioner300
12 - Proposing the Removal of the Jovial Contrarian300
13 - Proposing the Removal of Sinning Jenny300
14 - Proposing the Removal of Feducci400
15 - Proposing the Removal of Virginia300
16 - Proposing the Removal of Furnace Ancona300
17 - Proposing the Removal of the Dean of Xenotheology440
18 - Proposing the Removal of the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's400
19 - Proposing the Removal of the Bishop of Southwark300
21 - Proposing the Removal of the Gracious Widow300
22 - Proposing the Removal of April300
23 - Proposing the Removal of the Wandering Gondolier300
24 - Proposing the Removal of September300
26 - Proposing the Removal of the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle500
27 - Proposing the Removal of the Rubbery Yes-Man400
28 - Proposing the Removal of the Hell-Scarred Gondolier300
29 - Proposing the Removal of Cornelius, the Bandaged Prehistoricist300
30 - Proposing the Removal of January300
31 - Proposing the Removal of the Wry Functionary300
32 - Proposing the Removal of the Delightful Reverend300
33 - Proposing the Removal of the Drummer300
35 - Proposing the Removal of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner300
37 - Proposing the Removal of the Implacable Detective300
100 - Proposing a Station Plan100
105 - Proposing a Station Plan more like a Fortress240
115 - Proposing a Station Plan styled in the Manner of Hell100
120 - Proposing a Station Plan that Honours the Bazaar100
130 - Proposing a Station Plan that Speaks to the Glory of London and the Empress100
140 - Proposing a Station Plan Suited to Wasteland100
150 - Proposing a Station Plan Suited to a Surface Summer240
160 - Proposing an ice-resistant route and a well-insulated station100
170 - Proposing the connection to the final station at Marigold100
181 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Ealing Gardens300
182 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near the Magistracy of the Evenlode100
183 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Balmoral100
184 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Station VIII100
185 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Burrow-infra-Mump100
186 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City somewhere between Moulin and Hurlers, as no one sensible wants that land at all300
187 - Proposing a Tracklayers' City near Marigold Station, under the walls of Hell100
200 - Recommending Better Defences for Each Train100 + (120 × )
205 - Recommending More Baggage Accommodations for Each Train100 + (120 × )
210 - Recommending More Luxurious Fittings for Each Train100 + (120 × )
220 - Recommending More Worker Compensation400
230 - Recommending Worker Co-ownership220
240 - Recommending the Strike be Broken100
250 - Requesting Funds to Excavate the Remains of a Prehistoric Creature220 or 340
260 - Suggesting the Union Pave Over a Prehistoric Creature100
270 - Requesting Funds to Route Around an Anomalous Section of London300
280 - Proposing to Drive the Track through the Zone180
400 - Proposing to Pay Dividends to Shareholders300 + (40 × )
500 - Proposing a Bypass through Parabola300
510 - Proposing the Rental of Hellworms300
520 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell240
521 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Feducci's Guidance240
522 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following April's Guidance200
523 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Virginia's Guidance100
525 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Bishop of Southwark's Guidance240
526 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following His Amused Lordship's Guidance100
527 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Wandering Gondolier's Guidance380
528 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following Cornelius' Guidance380
529 - Proposing to Venture into the Former Battlefields Around Hell, following the Viscountess' Guidance100
610 - Proposing that the Board Endorse the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle for Lord Mayor400
620 - Proposing that the Board Endorse F. F. Gebrandt for Lord Mayor440
700 - Proposing that the Unyielding Highlander become Castellan of Balmoral100
710 - Proposing that September become Castellan of Balmoral300
720 - Proposing that the Fervent Widow become Castellan of Balmoral300
800 - Proposing a tracklayer aligned with Mr Fires100
850 - Proposing Cornelius to lead200
905 - Proposing the Dean of Xenotheology as Patron of the Burrow Church100
910 - Proposing the Bishop of St Fiacre's as Patron of the Burrow Church500
931 - Resuming Normal Operations with Furnace in Charge600
932 - Supporting Cornelius' Prehistoricist Building Approach580
933 - Supporting a Brightly-Lit Building Approach340
934 - Proposing a Package of Measures to Resume Normal Operations260
940 - Proposing special consideration to certain charitable groups420 or 500
941 - Proposing a dividend be paid out to the poor of the Hinterlands420 or 500
1000 - Proposing an expensive tribute to the Hillchanger Tower580
1020 - Proposing a calendrical tribute to the Hillchanger Tower240
1030 - Proposing a legalistic tribute to the Hillchanger Tower260
1100 - Proposing to send your train to war in Parabola
(Cats, FKs, Gent, Visc., Other)
400 (Cats)
440 (FKs)
240 (Gent)
500 (Visc.)
540 (Other)
1110 - Proposing to build a spur line into Parabola so that you can send in a war-train300


Question before the BoardSuccess Description
3, 240The Tentacled Entrepreneur fishes in its waistcoat pockets and produces a ruddy amber card, which it holds up for you to view. Someone else has written on it, in a businesslike hand, 'I agree despite certain reservations.'
5He writhes a cautious approval.
7, 9 - 19, 21 - 24, 26 - 33, 35, 37, 280, 320You still have a hard time recognising which gurgle means agreement, but you know when the tentacles are waving assent.
100, 105, 115 - 170The Entrepreneur raises a pale amber card of approval, or at least tolerance. It does not obviously have very strong views on architecture, but it must have overseen a few of the decisions made in Ealing.
181The Entrepreneur's tentacles knot up in concern, but he holds up the amber card of approval.
182 - 187, 720, 800, 850, 931-934, 940 - 941, 1000, 1020, 1030, 1200The Tentacled Entrepreneur holds up the amber card of approval.
210The Tentacled Entrepreneur fishes in its waistcoat pockets and produces one of its amber cards of agreement, but it follows that up with gestures at its book of images. […] it would like to decorate a more luxurious train with an assortment of art […]
230, 250The Tentacled Entrepreneur fishes in its waistcoat pockets and produces a card the colour of lacre, which it holds up […]. Someone else has written on it, in a businesslike hand, 'I support this decision, and am very curious to see the outcome.'
300The Tentacled Entrepreneur fishes in his waistcoat pockets and produces a vibrant orange. Apparently he considers this idea too obvious for debate.
310The Tentacled Entrepreneur produces a card so light as almost to be white. He doesn't disapprove, but... is that meant to suggest his doubt about how you'll carry out the plan? No matter; he does agree.
400Is the Entrepreneur rubbing his tentacles together? He must have learnt the gesture from someone.
500The Tentacled Entrepreneur holds up its various tentacles in a fashion expressing enthusiasm and curiosity.
510The Entrepreneur reaches through his collection of cards and turns up the slime-green one. You don't have to read it to know what it indicates: this is the card for 'I believe the venture will prove extremely profitable.' It is his favourite card.
520 - 523, 525 - 529You still have a hard time recognising which gurgle means agreement, but you know when the tentacles are waving assent. This time there is an undercurrent of discomfort, something you might even call anxiety. But it is a yes.
610, 620The Tentacled Entrepreneur writhes its response: it will tolerate this decision, but it is angry about the whole affair, and it will not forget how fundamentally it has been misunderstood. […] It's astonishing a tentacled face can hold a scowl.
700The Entrepreneur spends some time writhing his opinion on this point. His view appears to include approval for the Highlander's beard, which is the next best thing to having a full face of tentacles.
710The Tentacled Entrepreneur holds up a card which... has he had that painted in plaid? He has!
905The Tentacled Entrepreneur holds up the amber card of approval and waves it frantically. At last the Dean catches what he is up to and gives him a grateful smile.
910The Tentacled Entrepreneur holds up the amber card of approval and tosses it in the Bishop's direction. The Bishop wipes away the slime on the sleeve of his cassock.
1100, 1110The Tentacled Entrepreneur gurgles amiably. It is apparently keen to see your train in action.
Board MemberSecond paragraph of Success Description
Board Member: The Dean of XenotheologyThe Dean of Xenotheology draws something […]. Is that a sketch of the position of the Entrepreneur's tentacles? The Entrepreneur notices and shifts its tentacles into a new, visibly more menacing configuration. […] Evidently Rubbery men can laugh.


Question before the BoardFailure Description
4He writhes his dislike of the territory.
5The card he holds up – it is the shade of "certainly not."
10 - 19, 21 - 24, 26, 28 - 33, 35, 37, 200 - 210, 220, 240The Tentacled Entrepreneur fishes in its waistcoat pockets and produces a dark brown card. The text – written in a human hand – reads 'No, This Displeases Me.'
27[…] if you breed a creature using a specific essence and amber, you must not blame it for displaying the qualities that you bred for. And also that the Rubbery Yes-Man would be made very sad […] and that it is doing no harm at all. […]
181The Tentacled Entrepreneur's face is a tense knot that indicates disapproval.
230, 250 - 280The Tentacled Entrepreneur fishes in its waistcoat pockets and produces a card the colour of a pint of lager. The text – written in a human hand – reads 'No, Unfortunately, Even Though I Am Curious.'
400[…] it takes out a small booklet of images and gestures with several tentacles at the image of an empty purse with moths flying out. Then it produces an image of a calendar, and an image of a person sitting in a waiting chair. […]
500The Entrepreneur fishes desperately in its waistcoat and appears to be unable to find the response card it seeks. Perhaps it has something meaning 'absolutely not, under no circumstances.'
510The Entrepreneur's 'no' card is accompanied by a gurgle of apprehension. Perhaps it has some notion what a Hellworm might involve.
610, 620The Entrepreneur writhes its offence and its very strong disapproval.
700The Entrepreneur holds up a very sticky, heavily used card that indicates its disapproval.
710The Tentacled Entrepreneur quivers with disapproval. It is less clear what he has against September, but his antipathy is clear.
720, 800, 850, 905, 910, 931 - 934, 940 - 941, 1000, 1020, 1030The Tentacled Entrepreneur writhes No.
1100, 1110The Tentacled Entrepreneur writhes No. It is very fond of the paintwork on your train's chassis and has no wish to see it damaged. War sounds a messy affair.
1200The Tentacled Entrepreneur writhes No. If Londoners want to get away from the tedium of the city, let them tour Ealing Gardens and spend their money there.