Progress the War from London instead

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Parabolan War (Guide)

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Through the Hanging Mountains or Along the Smoking Shore

The War in Parabola has many fronts and Parabola many doors. You may wish to turn your attention to the homefront while your troops [troop action].

Description summary:
[troop action] varies with

Stage of the WarTroop action
2hold the Mountains
4advance along the Shore

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: This will allow you to progress this phase of the campaign from London, with alternate means of progression. You will return to Parabola once you have Advance! at 24.

Locked with  24,  5 - The Viscountess,  6 - The Ophidian Gentleman,  7 - A Dreaming Priest of the Second City


A new front opens

You leave the […] in the hands of your capable council of captains. Your exit […]. Your troops […].

You make for your Base-Camp and the long way home. From London, the next phase of the campaign begins, on the searing green border between sleep and dream.

Description summary:
The first paragraph varies with , the enemy at Stage 4 varies with .

Stage of the War1st paragraph
2You leave the fortress in the hands of your capable council of captains. Your exit from the Mountains is heralded by a gun-salute from the ramparts. Your troops range across the battlements, frost-covered and resolute.
4You leave the assault in the hands of your capable council of captains. Your exit is heralded by a gun-salute directed at [the enemies]. Your troops dig in along the Shore, ash-coated and determined.
The Enemy in Parabola[the enemy]
1the Fingerkings
2the cats
4your legions
5the hidden enemies

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Lodgingssmall.png You have moved to a new area: Your Lodgings
  • Fallenlondonsmall.png You have elected to command this phase of the war from London, however. (Sets The War in London to 1 - You are conducting a phrase of your Parabolan Campaign from London)

With exactly 2:

Redirects to: The War from Home

With exactly 4:

Redirects to: Shadows on the Mirrorpane