Prowl the corridors (Parabola)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Light Fingers: The Parabolan Orphanage

Bright, white, twisting, listing, shining, winding, wide, narrow, straight as an arrow. Doors open on walls. Walls curve into ceilings. Ceilings fold into stairways.

Game Instructions: You must explore for a time, until you can get your bearings.

Locked with  4

Challenge information

Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.[[Category: Challenge|0145]]<ul><li>Empty strings are not accepted.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>Broad, 145

  • 100 - very chancy (41%)
  • 124 - chancy (51%)
  • 148 - modest (61%)
  • 172 - very modest (71%)
  • 196 - low-risk (81%)
  • 220 - straightforward (91%)
  • 242 - straightforward (100%)



[Airs-based description]

You turn down a new corridor. You've been walking for some time now, and you haven't encountered anything overly familiar. Could you be close to finding the wedding venue?

[Exploring progress description]
AirsOrphanage description
3 - 6You wander down a corridor. It descends steeper […] until you're forced to fall onto your backside and slide. Jasper lets out a wail; Clara a shriek. You drop like rag dolls into another corridor. […] the ceiling above looks solid and unremarkable.
13A shrieking cacophony erupts. A surge of shadowy patients spill […] and rush toward you, gabbling, moaning, urged forward by a shadow-faced orderly who lashes their backs with a whip. Just as the stampede is upon you […] they vanish like morning mist.
26 - 29[…] A moustachioed prisoner lunges out, sobbing, and you realise this is […] a dreamer, snatched from some nearby dream. "The man in the mask!" he sobs. "He kept me here! I want to wake up!" You give him directions to escape and he flees […]
31 - 34You find yourself descending a corridor that slopes more and more steeply. As you're carefully making your way down, a rush of stagnant black water rises to meet you. You […] flee the sudden flood. When you finally stop running and turn back, it's gone.
36[…] distant screams has been a constant backdrop. […] rises in pitch and volume and intensity, until you're crouched on the floor with your fingers in your ears. Then it stops […] When you pull your fingertips away, they're red with blood.
40 - 48This corridor twists itself into a knot. You scramble over peculiar edges and slide down sudden drops. The geometry is implausible. You feel dizzy.
53 - 57The next corridor rises steeply uphill […] A solid shove from Jasper pushes you over the top, and you find yourself suddenly alone in a perfectly flat corridor. It takes an hour of wandering and shouting before you reunite with your companions.
61 - 69[…] a door labelled 'Room 122.' Wasn't this where the Moon-Miser was being kept […]? […] chains slither out and wind around you […] The walls become eyes […] A shadow-faced orderly approaches, a needle in its hand, but Jasper and Frank haul you back to safety.
70 - 74[…] you find a dreamer […] surrounded by snapped pencils. "I was having my usual dream where I was King of the Pencils […] The man in the mask […] made me watch as he... […] the royal court will never recover!" You tell him the way out and he stumbles away, sobbing.
79The next corridor is an Ouroboros, a perfect circle of white plaster without windows or doors. […] Are the walls becoming narrower […]? […] Before you are crushed, you order Jasper and Frank to smash through the wall. They comply […]
82 - 86A moment of panic as a roaring rush of flames suddenly swallows the corridor. It's a ghostly fire […] and it doesn't harm you, or even produce smoke. But the walls blacken and char in the pallid conflagration, exposing the worm-riddled beams within.
90You hear panicked, wheezing noises […] Her eyes are screwed shut and her arms are raw-red from pinching. "Wake up! Wake up!" she mutters, slamming her palms against […] her head. […] her eyes open wide as saucers. She springs up like a rabbit and flees […]
96[…] where racks of surgical implements glint on the walls. At the centre is a slab […] Beside it stands an enormous glass alembic, filled to the brim with […] moon-milk. A dull-eyed Clara climbs onto the slab […] but you […] bundle her out of the terrible room.
bA pair of gangling scientists approach you, inhumanly tall, their faces shrouded by shadow (except their eager smiles). […] "Where are your smocks? Why do you still have eyes?" Jasper rushes at them […] they collapse into sticks and silk-scraps.
e"Meal time!" A shadow-faced orphan hobbles past you, sobbing and licking a clean plate. "Meal time!" She runs into a wall and dissipates, leaving a charred silhouette. You continue walking.
0"This place is horrible," says Clara miserably.
1"Where are we now?" asks Jasper glumly. He has the air of a child whose next five birthdays have been cancelled.
2"When we find Poor Edward," says Frank mildly, "I am going to do things to him that would offend a gentlemanly constitution."
3-4"I think we're getting close," says Clara. She's stroking the derringer concealed in her sleeve with a fingertip.

Redirects to: Light Fingers: The Parabolan Orphanage


Back to where you began


You keep walking, down corridor after corridor. Hang on - you recognise that fist-shaped hole in the plaster. And […] there's the door that leads to the corkscrew-corridor. You're back where you started. […]

Jasper punches the wall in frustration

Description summary:
The text for the first two paragraphs is chosen from the description tables above.

[Find the rest of the story at]