Purchase Estival Tokens

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Currency1 gold.png
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
It seems as if the site of the developing museum has become the heart of London. […] People trade in favours, in illicit relics, in items purloined from the old estate. And these coins, gold as wheat in summer, are the gateway to this economy.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with a redirect from Purchase surplus Estival Tokens


Currency1 gold.png
Obtain some starting cash
Currency1 gold.png
Purchase a handful of tokens (10 FATE)
  •  Spoiler 
    Currency1 gold.png
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with  (hidden)



    No reward narrative information available for Fate-locked actions.

Currency1 gold.png
Purchase a clinking tower of tokens (50 FATE)
  •  Spoiler 
    Currency1 gold.png
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with  (hidden)



    No reward narrative information available for Fate-locked actions.

Currency1 gold.png
Purchase an unwieldy number of tokens (120 FATE)
  •  Spoiler 
    Currency1 gold.png
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with  (hidden)



    No reward narrative information available for Fate-locked actions.

Visit Mssr. M_____'s Estate Sale
Visit the Hall of Recent History