Put up a statue honouring the Gracious Widow

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Offices of the Tracklayer's Union: Evenlode Branch

She is an inspiration to every criminal who passes here.

Game Instructions: This statue will reward you for Urchin Favours.

Unlocked with ,

Locked with


The help of the Union

(See table below)
WealthThe Union workers […] charge heavily, since the Great Hellbound Railway enjoys the reputation of being a bunch of well-heeled toffs, and they're eager for their part in what's available.

Getting the statue made is similarly straightforward.

CharityThe Union workers […] take the opportunity to charge heavily, since the Great Hell-bound Railway enjoys the reputation of being generous to the deserving, and possibly at times to the undeserving.

Getting the statue made is no difficulty.

Worker OwnershipThe reaction to your request is mixed. One worker […] thought the point of having a collectively-owned railway business was […] that there'd be no more of that sort of nonsense. But his fellows are well-disposed towards you, and happy to oblige. […]
Any otherThe Union workers are […] willing enough […] "Though what it's got to do with [the Charter], I don't know," […] There is still some lingering feeling about that charter not having been revised […]

At least there is no trouble getting the statue made.

Under the Statue: Call in favours with the Gracious Widow