Remind them of their share in the city's prosperity

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From: A Pugnacious Encounter

Hinterlandcity.png [City Name] is not treating them so very badly. They only need reminding.

Game Instructions: This will use up a little Hinterland Prosperity and significantly reduce Tracklayers' Displeasure.

Unlocked with Hinterland Prosperity 2500


[Name] Armpit? Little [Location]? Addressed as:'s Folly?

They don't settle at once. They have sprightly suggestions about how the town should have been named, and a long list of critiques regarding [Complaint]. But they have to acknowledge that they prefer it to London.

Description summary:
The title and description vary based on the city's Hinterland City - Chosen Site, where [Name] is the first word of the Hinterlandcity.png [City Name].

Hinterland City - Chosen SiteLocationComplaint
EalingWrithingthe slipperiness of the neighbours
MagistracyOubliettethe proximity of so many criminals (bad enough) and so many constables (worse)
BalmoralBowelmorethe way the moonlight comes in around the curtains
Station VIIIGrindstonethe smoke and the traffic in dirigibles
BurrowBurrow-Mumpthe sense that the Burrow is constantly looking this way
MoulinWastelandthe savage cold and the more savage goat-demons
MarigoldSulphur-Pitthe oppressive scent of lilies.

[Find the rest of the story at]