Seeing Banditry in the Upper River

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

The Hinterland is not safe for decent citizens.

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1: The Hinterland is quiet and almost free of criminal activity
2: There is a little crime in the stations west of London
3: The stations west of London are distinctly more dangerous and less regulated than London herself
4: The stations west of London face a significant amount of crime, highway robbery, and smuggling
5: Highwaymen and criminal gangs are active in the stations west of London
6: Criminality is rampant in the stations outside London
7-9: If you travel west of London, you are taking your life in your hands

Level Increase Descriptions

1: The stations west of London are very slightly dangerous.
2: The stations west of London have become slightly more dangerous.
3: The stations west of London are somewhat dangerous.
4: The stations west of London are moderately dangerous.
5-9: The stations west of London have become more dangerous.

Level Decrease Descriptions

0: The stations west of London are nearly free of criminal activity.
1-11: The stations west of London have become safer and the criminal organisations less bold.