Seeking a Mirror from the Far Side

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
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Description summary:
The description varies with your Parabolan Destination quality

10 (Mr. Iron's Warehouse)You recognise the faces in the mirror: more than a dozen guards, both human and clay, playing cards or talking […]. This must be the break room at Mr Iron's warehouse. Beyond the guards is a door into a larger hall where the goods are stored.
20 (Warehouse of Transport Devices)The mirror yields a view of a huge, dim room, full of hulking mechanical shapes. The one closest to you looks like a velocipede with several bottled souls strapped to the back: are those meant to propel it?
100 (A Deviless' Townhouse)[…] The frame is made of brass and stamped with Correspondence sigils. Parabolan roses […] thorns grow long as daggers. You will not be able to reach through[…] mirror that backs the vitrine where the Discerning Deviless keeps her most valuable souls. […]
200 (A Conversation You've Been Meaning To Overhear)This is not a grand mirror […] It hangs in mid-air halfway across a running brook. But on the far side of it is the target of your search. If you position yourself just so, you will be able to see and hear all that is being said inside a secure room.
300 (An Evidence Room You've Been Meaning to Rob)You cannot put your whole body through the mirror, here. But you can bend out with your torso, rifle through your opponent's desk, and find those incriminating objects that you would like to keep from the public view.
400 (The Hiding Place of a Peculiar Item)This mirror was carelessly left in a locked study in a dark house somewhere in London. From this side of the glass, the precious prize you're seeking is a siren calling to you.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Sneak forward

Storylet appears in Parabolan Base-Camp


Steal from Mr Iron's warehouse
Retrieve your loaned possessions
Learn what you can
Case the place
Make the evidence against yourself vanish
Identify a location