Sell a Soothe & Cooper Long-Box

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Aspiring Zee-Captains

The Bazaar would pay more. But a captain would be grateful. Well, might be grateful.

Game Instructions: If you connect the PC version of Sunless Sea to this account, playing this once will give all your captains a small advantage at game start. Playing it again will provide no further benefits in Sunless Sea, but will provide money and several Favours: The Docks.

Unlocked with 1 x Soothe & Cooper Long-Box


A gruff thank you

"These are d__nably hard to find. I'll give your compliments to the Acolyte, if you like."

Success Instructions: In the PC version of Sunless Sea, go to 'Options', use your Fallen London email login, and then 'Authenticate'. The benefits will be applied to all new captains.