Skeleton: Torso Style

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Assembling a Skeleton (Guide)

How are the above links here?


What sort of torso are you using as the base of your skeleton?

See here for a list of all pages which use or require this quality, or click here to show them.


The level description is also used as the manifest text, which is displayed as part of the title of many options when you Assemble a Skeleton. The level depends on which item you used as the basis for your skeleton.

0: Hypothetical
10: Human (from Headless Skeleton)
15: Human (from Human Ribcage)
20: Thorny-Breasted (from Thorned Ribcage)
30: Seven-necked (from Skeleton with Seven Necks)
40: Many-limbed (from Flourishing Ribcage)
45: Segmented (from Segmented Ribcage)
50: Mammoth (from Mammoth Ribcage)
55: Luminous (from Glim-Encrusted Carapace)
60: Baroque (from Ribcage with a Bouquet of Eight Spines)
70: Deep-water (from Leviathan Frame)
80: Prismatic (from Prismatic Frame)
100: Starved (from Five-Pointed Ribcage)