Smash open your partially invigorated aged egg

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Eye brown.png
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Bring Up your Egg

A hammer could see to the shell.

Game Instructions: This will yield the remains of what was inside, but not a living companion. It will refund your ha'penny.

Unlocked with

Challenge information

A matter of luck: The odds are against you here (success chance: 40%)


Lumps of... what are these things?

It is not entirely clear that this ever was a live animal. Might they have been rocks? Or some sort of secretion or deposit?

Redirects to: Bring Up your Egg

Rare Success

It is looking at you

[…] There is something gelatinous, resistant, elastic […]

An eyeball. All eyeball. And not at all a suitable thing for your living room. You will need to put it in a jug. For safe-keeping. And perhaps some sort of preservative, so it doesn't go off.

[Find the rest of the story at]

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Some kind of prank?

The egg shatters. The contents tumble forth. A full skeleton – neatly folded to fit inside. The legs are tucked to the chest. The arms are folded above the knees. It is missing, however, one key piece.

Redirects to: Bring Up your Egg

Alternative Failure

Not even any meat on it

The egg falls apart to reveal a long, thick bone. […]

Or, you might discover that it has greater value than you suspect – but it would require scientific investigation. You'd need the time, a laboratory, and the right equipment.

[Find the rest of the story at]

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