Stolen Stanzas

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

The entire print run of Julian R. Harvey's poetic epic 'Reflections on Ys' has been confiscated by the agents of Mr Pages! Investigate the contents of this mysterious volume, plan an audacious theft from a Ministry warehouse, and reunite the publisher with his product. Then maybe – just maybe – you'll be able to sneak a peek at the latest work to pique Mr Pages' ire.

This is a FATE-locked story.

Author: Gavin Inglis
Artist: Tobias Cook
Editing and QA: Luke van den Barselaar

It was originally published as an Exceptional Story in January 2023.

The story can be unlocked from The Fate page for 45 FATE points.
It can be reset for 25 FATE points.

More information can be found here.

Notable Rewards and Tie-ins

Starting Storylet