Take the vote and declare Victory 520-529

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From: Debating Matters of Business with the Board

You've convinced the board: the Railway will run through the battlefields around Hell.

Unlocked with  520-529 (520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, or 529)

Locked with



(see table below)

But even now there is an air of lingering anxiety amongst some of the other Board Members. They pack their papers away almost furtively, as though this had been a shameful act that they expect to regret.

Success Instructions: From here, you can speak with the current leader of the Tracklayers to begin placing track.

QuestionFirst Paragraph
520Success. Your proposal has prevailed; no one else's was even considered.
521Success! Feducci exudes the sweaty triumph of one who has just collected all nine heads off a hydra.
522Success! April hands off some of her papers to her clay servant. She's grinning as she does only when something is about to go bang.
523Success! Virginia doesn't gloat; she has more the air of someone who has successfully deflected a blackmailer for a few weeks. But it's relief all the same.
525Success! Southwark is drawing up an order for incense-burners now.
526Success! His Amused Lordship is in even more boisterous spirits than usual, and invites you to dine with him later, to celebrate.
527Success! The Wandering Gondolier is openly pleased that he has swayed the board with his own advice – his! After months of being mocked as naive and ignorant in the way of business! He is humming the tune of his gondolier-ditty still.
528[…]Cornelius has already started composing a pamphlet for distribution to the workers […] this board meeting is transformed into a grand fight of labourer against the servants of the Hypocritical Chain, those blasphemers […]
529Success! The vote has been taken, and the Viscountess has curled up at the end of the table for a victory nap.
EC On Board?Effect
Yes[…] "Nothing is going to happen now," says one of the others to her. "We're past […] where the – the ancient danger was supposed to be lurking? And it didn't do anything?" The Commissioner […] flees without answering. […]
520, 522, 523, 525, 527, 528, 52900
521, 5260-3 levels
524 (July, FATE)+10

Redirects to: Finish this Vote