Tell them what became of him

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Avidhorizon port.png This page contains information about the endings of the Mr Eaten storyline, which are designated by FBG to require strict spoiler protection. Proceed below at your own risk.

From: Now they come

The bargain, the burial, the pool, the knives, the drowning, the well, the madness. A mean end for a thing whose vanes spanned space. They are listening to you. All of them are listening.


A funeral

The others […] will find each mote of Candles. […]

[…] They look upon the remnants of the Runt; they grieve; they will not forget.

[…] His un-siblings […] shape the last flickers of you[…] to be a light […] Eternal, indivisible, sessile as oak and dripstone. You are a candle.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: You have completed the search for Mr Eaten's Name, asking the Question. There is nothing to be restored. You have planted a seed in bleak and urgent soil. But this character is finished, forever.