Template:Social Actions - Contest

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
  • From Card/Storylet title - Copy the name of the card or storylet which contain this action.
    • Title Appearance will change how this link looks like.
    • From field formatted - When set to any value, this means that the From field already contains formatting, so the template won't make it into a link. Useful for actions with multiple source cards/storylets.
  • Icon - The name of the image used to represent the action. Do not include the "File:" namespace prefix, but do include the ".png" file extension.
  • Description - The Action's description. When entering please be very mindful of Trimming Guidelines!
  • Description summary- We want to move this Wiki in a more user-generated direction (just like the best Wikis out there) so we would like users to summarize the Action's description in their own words.
  • Wiki Note is for user-written notes about the action regarding mechanics, variations, or anything else that is not just a summary of the description.
  • Game Instructions is for adding non-narrative game instructions. It doesn't count for the 250-rule.
  • Unlocked with lists the necessary conditions for this action to be selectable in-game. If there are none, leave this blank.
  • Locked with lists conditions that will cause this action to be locked. Use this only if it's more logical here than in Unlocked with.
  • Friend unlocked with lists conditions that the receiving friend must have in order to send them this action.
  • BroadQuality and BroadDiff are used when the action tests a quality using the Broad difficulty system.
  • NarrowQuality, NarrowDiff, and (optionally) NarrowMin are used when the action tests a quality using the Narrow difficulty system.
  • LuckChallenge is used for a Luck challenge. See {{LuckChallenge}} for possible values
  • Challenge information is for describing challenges that don't fit the usual Broad or Narrow types. If in doubt, tell the relevant quality level and success percentage. It helps greatly!
  • Request Title is for the title of the in-game text displayed when you perform the initial action.
  • Request description is for the in-game text displayed when you perform the initial action. This is subject to the 250-rule.
  • Request messages is for the list of quality changes you receive when you perform the initial action.
  • Friend request description is for the in game text in the message your friend initially receives. This is subject to the 250-rule.
  • Winner description is for the in-game text in the message the winner receives when the request is accepted. This is subject to the 250-rule.
  • Winner messages is for the list of quality changes the winner receives when the request is accepted
  • Loser description is for the in-game text in the message the loser receives when the request is accepted. This is subject to the 250-rule.
  • Loser messages is for the list of quality changes the loser receives when the request is accepted.

A template for organizing, linking, and applying categories to the actions a player can take inside of Cards or Storylets. This template combines information about the option, and the standard success result. Alternate outcomes should use the Success and Failure templates.

Template parameters

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.

From titleFrom Card/Storylet title

The name of the card or storylet which contain this action.

The Tournament of Lilies

The filename of the image used in-game to represent the action. Don't include the namespace prefix, but do include the extension.

Auto value
Sets a maintenance category if missing.
From field formattedFrom field formatted

When set to any value, this means that the From field already contains formatting, so the template won't make it into a link. Useful for actions with multiple source cards/storylets.

From Title AppearanceTitle Appearance

Changes how the "From title" link looks like.

Action descriptionDescription

The Action's description. When entering please be very mindful of Trimming Guidelines!

Description summaryDescription summary

Player-provided summary of the action description. Does not count towards the 250-character limit.

Game instructionsGame Instructions

Non-narrative game instructions. Does not count towards the 250-character limit.

Wiki NoteWiki Note

Player-provided note providing more information or clarification.

Unlock conditionsUnlocked with

A comma-separated list of the necessary conditions for this action to be selectable in-game. In this field, you should use the Unlock template.

{{Unlock|Bowler Hat}}
Lock conditionsLocked with

A comma-separated list of conditions that will cause this action to be locked. Use this only if it's more logical here than in Unlocked with. Use the IL template.

Friend unlock conditionsFriend unlocked with

A comma-separated list of the conditions the receiving friend must have in order to send them the action.

{{Unlock|Competing in a Tournament of Lilies}} exactly 1
Broad Challenge QualityBroadQuality

The quality tested by a Broad-type challenge. Should use the IL template.

Broad Challenge DifficultyBroadDiff

The difficulty of the broad-type challenge.

If Broad Challenge Quality is set but Difficulty is not, displays as "Unknown Difficulty level" and tags with a maintenance category.
Narrow Challenge QualityNarrowQuality

The quality tested by a Narrow-type challenge. Should use the IL template.

Narrow Challenge DifficultyNarrowDiff

The difficulty for a Narrow Challenge.

If Narrow Challenge Quality is set and no Difficulty is provided, then "Unknown Challenge level" displays and a maintenance category is set.
Narrow Challenge MinimumNarrowMin

The floor value for a Narrow Challenge.

Luck ChallengeLuckChallenge

The chance of success for a luck-based challenge.

Challenge InformationChallenge information

Any complications or nuance to the challenges, such as if the difficulty is affected by other qualities.

Request TitleRequest Title

The title of the in-game text displayed when you initially perform the action.

Request descriptionRequest description

The in-game text displayed when you initially perform the action. When entering please be very mindful of Trimming Guidelines!

Request messagesRequest messages

The list of quality changes you receive when you initially perform the action.

Request descriptionFriend request description

The in-game text displayed in the message your friend receives when you initially perform the action. When entering please be very mindful of Trimming Guidelines!

Request descriptionWinner description

The in-game text displayed in the winner's message when the request is accepted. When entering please be very mindful of Trimming Guidelines!

Winner messagesWinner messages

The list of quality changes the winner receives when the request is accepted.

Request descriptionLoser description

The in-game text displayed in the loser's message when the request is accepted. When entering please be very mindful of Trimming Guidelines!

Loser messagesLoser messages

The list of quality changes the loser receives when the request is accepted.
