Test an iota of the Cardinal's Honey on yourself

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Ambition: Nemesis – Midnight's Honey

Will it be enough to slay a Master? What will happen when Cups drinks it? Will they suffer sufficiently? You want no surprises. This is the only way to be certain. And you have the antidote.


Allecto, Megarea, Tisiphone

You decant a […] drop […] and dilute it […]

[…] you down the contents of the teacup. A wave of nausea shudders through your body, even as your tongue delights […] Your fingers grasp for the antidote, a clear, Lethean liquid, and pour a few drops down your throat […]

Description summary:
It works. You managed to take the antidote before this nasty strain of honey carries you away to dream-lands that you cannot return from.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

  • Bloodhandsmall.png You have acquired the Cardinal's Honey. (Sets A Cardinal Sin to 40 - You have acquired the Cardinal's Honey)

Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Small Place