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From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Making Your Name – Closing the Case: the Honey-Addled Detective

He doesn't look like much. Is he truly the Detective they say he was?


Even ghosts aren't yet departed

[…] It's clearly an effort […] But as he takes you in, […] his eyes narrow, and he looks.

"Why, [formal address], it's not difficult to get the measure of you." […]

He turns his attention to your hands. […]

[…] "Well, you're certainly perspicacious, if you've found me. […]"

Description summary:
The second and third paragraphs will vary based on your current Lodgings and Profession.

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Reason: needs variant text for other lodgings & professions

LodgingsSecond Paragraph
New Newgate Prison CellNo second paragraph
An Abandoned Family Crypt?
An Attic Room"You live in some old attic room, no doubt." He gestures vaguely at your clothing, as if that explains it.
A Spare Bedroom"You live at the generosity of someone kindhearted. And easily manipulated, no doubt."
Rooftop Shack"You live somewhere high. Draughty." He gestures at your attire, as if this somehow explains it.
A Smoky Flophouse"You live somewhere insalubrious. A dormitory, perhaps? Or flophouse?" He eyes your clothes warily, as if nervous of fleas.
Lair in the Marshes"Is that mud round your ankles? You live somewhere where the fungus thrives."
Cottage by the Observatory"Is that mud round your ankles? You live somewhere where the fungus thrives."
Rooms above a Gambling Den"Your living situation is somewhat... fractious? Somewhere insalubrious." He gestures at your attire, as if this somehow explains it.
Rooms above a BookshopHe takes a deep breath. "Mmm. Books. You keep many at your home? Ah, but surely even you wouldn't keep that many. A shop, then?"
Handsome Townhouse"You keep a respectable address. That much is obvious."
Decommissioned SteamerHe takes a deep breath. "Mmm, zee water. The smell gets into the clothing, no matter what you do. You live, then, on a boat?"
The Deep Cellars of Old NewgateThe Detective leans back in his rocking-chair. He chuckles. "You appreciate your privacy, no matter what that might mean for your comfort."
A Zee-Znail's ZhellThe Detective leans back in his rocking-chair. He chuckles. "You appreciate your privacy, no matter what that might mean for your comfort."
A Dripstone-Snared Third City Sub-TempleThe Detective leans back in his rocking-chair. He chuckles. "You appreciate your privacy, no matter what that might mean for your comfort."
A guest room at the Brass Embassy?
A Room at the Royal Bethlehem Hotel?
Premises at the Bazaar?
A Sanctum at the Brass Embassy?
A Suite at the Royal Bethlehem?
A Spire-Emporium of the Bazaar?
Profession:Third Paragraph
None"You have no work, at the moment. Perhaps that's why you have come here."
Campaigner"You're passionate about something. Enough to be spurred to habitual action."
Enforcer"You know how to use your hands. You're not too particular about it, either."
Rat-Catcher"You carry a weapon. Perhaps a professional adornment?"
Trickster"You have a way with words. One that favours you, time after time."
Journalist"Are those ink-stains I see? The pen must never stray far from your hand."
WatcherHis gaze shifts up to meet your eyes. "Yes, always looking, aren't you? Always looking."
Tough"Would you be offended if I suggested you were a thug?"
Minor Poet"Are those ink-stains I see? The pen must never be far from your hand."
Pickpocket"Keep those where I can see them, if you would. You look to have rather light fingers."
EnquirerHis gaze shifts up to meet your eyes. "Yes, always looking, aren't you? Always looking."
Author"Are those ink-stains I see? The pen must never stray far from your hand."
StalkerHis gaze shifts up to meet your eyes. "Yes, always looking, aren't you? Always looking."
AgentHis gaze shifts up to meet your eyes. "Yes, always looking, aren't you? Always looking."
TutorHe seems a little surprised. "You have a vocation, then. Teaching is it?"
CorrespondentPresumably nonexistent, as it is impossible to become a Correspondent without starting A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets
MidnighterPresumably nonexistent, as it is impossible to become a Midnighter without starting A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

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