The Citadel within the Citadel

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
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Corsair's ColoursEffect
noFar above the landing stages and dock-cradles, […] the tip of the stalagmite has been hollowed. This, they say, is where the true trade here is conducted. Access is policed by a cadre of flint-eyed corsairs […] Blue Prophets shriek and wheel overhead. […]
yesAbove the chaos and violence, the corsairs' citadel contains a smaller, yet more secret, haven. Here[…] is the sanctuary of the Prophets' Call – half funerary-temple, half market. […] The guards acknowledge your corsair's colours, and incline their heads. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Storylet appears in


Currency1 gold.png
Enter the heart of the Mourn
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    Currency1 gold.png
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Exchange some plunder for five Mourning Candles
Exchange some plunder for a Cave-Aged Code of Honour
Zailing corsairsforest.png
Exchange some plunder for a Relatively Safe Zee Lane
Khansglory port.png
Exchange some plunder for a Salt Steppe Atlas
Exchange a hoard of plunder for a Fabulous Diamond