The Starved Embassy/Table

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Starved GiftsDescription
1One of the Starved[...] offers you a leather bag[...] Press your ear to it[...] you can hear rushing wind.

"A lot of us revere the wind, formless and ever-changing[...] many of us revile it for the same reason.[...]The bag is[...] part of the gift. The leather is home-grown."

2[...] "Please accept this in the spirit it is given," they say hastily. The Starved Man steps forward and vomits a series of jewels from his mouth.

[...] "Some of us believe [...] the stomach is more than simply a receptacle for sustenance. Please just take them."

3A Starved Woman flops forward. "She has made a gift of her skeleton," says the [...] Lithologer. "Both to enable anatomical study and to show our own rather flexible attitude towards its containment." An extensive sequence of bones clatter onto the table.
4A Starved Man steps forward [...] "He has spent [...] time learning your language, though [...] he lacks a mouth in the standard location." [...] his hand, though, buzzes with [...] mouths.

"He wishes to explain some [...] cultural fixations over the course of a long handshake."

5A bored-looking Starved Man plonks a cauldron of amber onto the table. "Amber..." says the [...] Lithologer, looking to their compatriot for substantiation. " very important to us. [...]"

The Starved Man shrugs and shambles to the back of the group.

6The Starved Man places a blue lump [...] "Every change he has made [...], he has documented in the amber, along with his reasons for doing so. [...]"

He adds a second lump. "This one is blank. He hopes, if you feel inspired, that you might follow his example."