The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1893

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  • Here you are, on page eight: one of the 'sundry skeptics'
  • 'Multitudinous revellers' the copy reads. That's you!
  • 10: You feature as one of the 'disgruntled participants' in a story headlined 'THE TRUE COST OF HALLOWMAS!'
  • 11: Your tale appears, unattributed, in an editorial insert entitled 'AN EXAMPLE OF FIDELITY!'
  • 20: A whole column at the top of page two! The tagline describes you as 'a person much beset by visions and visitations'
  • Your interview is on page two, the one with 'a noted collector of confidences'
  • 25: The third page is given over to your "fiction": 'A TRADE IN FACES: A Seasonal Tale of Abominable Terror'
  • 26: Your interview inspired a lengthy column by Huffam. He now wonders whether Hallowmas could be a threat to national security
  • 27: Your interview inspired a lengthy column by Huffam. He considers your integrity to be an example for all
  • 30: An effusive statement of thanks on page two! Apparently, you are the Gazette's 'official Hallowmas consultant'
  • 40: It contains your impassioned letter forgiving those who wronged you. Huffam describes it as 'inspirational'
  • Page two thunders with your promise of retribution on all who betrayed you! They have been warned
  • The second page bears your story of years-old trust. When the Bishop of Southwark read it, he declared you and your confessor "a pair of good eggs"
  • You made the front page! 'THE PURVEYOR OF PERFIDY!' roars the headline, above a gloriously sinister portrait
  • 55: You made the front page! 'THE RELIQUARY OF SECRETS!' declares the headline, above a saintly portrait
  • Inside, an entire supplementary edition is devoted to 'THE UNWAVERING BULWARK OF PROBITY'. That's you
  • 65: Inside, an entire supplementary edition chronicles your exploits under the title 'A BLOODY-FINGERED MURDERER OF CONFIDENCES'
  • 70: The entirety of the issue is given over to your exploits. The front page reads: 'UNMASKED: THE SOVEREIGN OF HALLOWMAS!' Some are born to royalty, others have royalty thrust upon them