The University 1
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
From: Tea with the Loquacious Vicar
"Are you an academic? The postman gave me these two letters to hand to you. Those are the seals of Benthic and Summerset colleges. Are you being courted?"
Game Instructions: This will start the University stories.
Each alike in dignity
Each letter is an invitation to […become a…] visiting lecturer at Fallen London's university. The Principal of Benthic College writes of breaking radical new ground. The Provost of Summerset College mentions the advantages of his well-regarded […]
[Find the rest of the story at]
You have moved to a new area: The University
An occurrence! Your 'Featuring in the Tales of the University' Quality is now 1 - An Honoured Visitor!
An occurrence! Your 'Connected: Benthic' Quality is now 8 - Acquainted!
An occurrence! Your 'Connected: Summerset' Quality is now 8 - Acquainted!
You've learnt a new route: Route: The University
- Actions with Unknown ID
- A Scholar of the Correspondence
- A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets
- Unwelcome at the University -
- Featuring in the Tales of the University
- Actions
- The University Moves
- Featuring in the Tales of the University Gain
- Connected: Benthic Gain
- Connected: Summerset Gain
- Route: The University Gain