The War in London 2

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description and game instructions vary based on .

1London is overrun. Buildings […] ripped open and left to bleed.

People […] caught by the jaws of Starve-Hounds. The Boatman must be busy.

Still, there are plenty still determined to go about their business […] This is London, after all.
2 - 3London remains overrun – but now, the spirit of resistance and organisation spreads almost as fast as the Starved Men. Sinning Jenny is helping keep London in order. The Admiralty are prosecuting the battle against the Starved, no matter the cost.
4Many of the Starved have retreated. The last few holdouts are being corralled by the Admiralty. The end nears.
5London's streets have been reclaimed. But this affair is not yet over. London still bears the marks of the Starved, and the city is still a buzz of logistics.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: (With 2:) Fight for the Admiralty to raise The Defence of London. Work with Sinning Jenny to raise Relief Efforts and lower London's Ruin. The event will continue when The Defence of London rises high enough.
(With 3:) Gather intelligence on the Starved Men from around the Neath, and turn it in to the Admiralty. This will unlock new options in this storylets, and help mitigate the harm to London. Continue fighting for the Admiralty and working with Jenny. The event will progress when Defence is high and Ruin is low.

Unlocked with is present (World Quality, now locked),


Consider the Starved Men assaulting London
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with  1-99 (hidden)
    Locked with  100


    Redirects to:

    So Are They Shaped

Consider what might be done
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with is present (World Quality, now locked),  exactly 1




    Success Instructions: Factions and individuals across London may be exhorted to help the city in its time of need. The question is: will any of them listen?

Londonsruin menace.png
Lighten your burdens
  •  Spoiler 
    Londonsruin menace.png
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with is 3 (World Quality, now locked), or
    Locked with is 100001 (World Quality, now unlocked)


    Redirects to:

    Shedding Your Burdens

Join the fight against the Starved Men
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with is 2 (World Quality, now locked),  2-49
    Locked with is 900000 (World Quality, now unlocked)


    Redirects to:

    Fighting London's War

Attend to the damage
Obtain supplies
Report to the Admiralty
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with is 3 (World Quality, now locked),  10-99


    Redirects to:

    An Appeal for Information

Check on the Starved captives
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with is 4 (World Quality, now locked),  exactly 100


    Redirects to:

    Closed Lips, Silent Ships

Attend to matters of London's air fleet