The book trade

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Imports and Exports

A city outside London is a perfect place to conduct business away from the prying eyes of the Ministry.

Game Instructions: This is a bit more efficient if your city is near Burrow-infra-Mump.

Unlocked with (1000 - Hinterland Efficiency) x Hinterland Prosperity ( Hinterland City - Chosen Site exactly 5) or (1050 - Hinterland Efficiency) x Hinterland Prosperity (otherwise)


A revolution in thought

The Ministry heavily regulates […] printing presses in London. […] Out here there's a wealth of machine parts and very little oversight. […] You pick through […] chapbooks […]. Revolutionary matter, nocturnal poetry – aha: premium heresies, as raw and red as lashed skin.

[Find the rest of the story at]

With Hinterland City - Chosen Site 5:
