The dusty book

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Rewards from the Page

'Liberated' from Mr Pages' collection, perhaps?

Game Instructions: This will get you a Salt Steppe Atlas and five Puzzling Maps. Raising any of your main ability caps will make this cost fewer exploits, up to a point.

Unlocked with 25-32 x Hearts' Game: Exploits




He hands you a book heavy-laden with wear and marginal annotations – penciled coordinates, mathematical formulae, sketches of curious tattoos.

Description summary:
The first paragraph varies based on the Page of Quills Reaction randomizer.

Page RandomizerFirst Paragraph
1"Venomous frogs slipped into his pocket, really?" The Page furiously takes notes. "Could you share where you source those? No, I'm not going looking for any – but stories about dangerous beasts in the sewers sell."
2The Page raises an eyebrow at your story. "And because he went stumbling out the window, the umpires didn't count the strike? I suppose defenestration is against the rules..."
3The Page tilts his head. "With his fists? He poisoned the target with his fists, that's what I'm to write down?"
4"Poisoned paper," remarks the Page. "You know, I sometimes wonder if the targets in this game are too cooperative."
5"A toxin tuned to someone's voice." The page taps a pencil against his chin, thinking. "I don't know. It's not the most salacious thing I've heard. More of a premise for a novel, really."
6"Scorpions? Feral terror birds? Is that at all within the rules?" The Page is sceptical. But you assure him that the use of vicious animals as proxies is deemed acceptable. Or, at least, the umpires didn't stop you.
7Rather than recount your own exploits, you share a few remarks on the behaviour of the umpires. "This is a little thin," the Page notes. "But a little implication of corruption or favouritism among game officials does drive interest."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Gains 0 3 9 18 21 30? 39? 42?
Exploit Cost 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25