Trick Mr Fires' Lackey into acting against his master's interests

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From: Assist Mr Fires' Lackey

It's good for business if the workers are well fed, and well housed. In fact, a little investment from London would be wise.

Game Instructions: This approach will decrease The City Waning. Do this only if, despite its present leadership, you are privately opposed to Mr Fires.

Challenge information

Broad, Persuasive 180

  • 123 - very chancy (41%)
  • 153 - chancy (51%)
  • 183 - modest (61%)
  • 213 - very modest (71%)
  • 244 - low-risk (81%)
  • 273 - straightforward (91%)
  • 300 - straightforward (100%)

Narrow, Mithridacy 5 (50% base)

  • 1 and below - almost impossible (10%)
  • 2 - high-risk (20%)
  • 3 - high-risk (30%)
  • 4 - tough (40%)
  • 5 - very chancy (50%)
  • 6 - chancy (60%)
  • 7 - modest (70%)
  • 8 - very modest (80%)
  • 9 - low-risk (90%)
  • 10 and above - straightforward (100%)


Fair enough

You make your argument so persuasively that Mr Fires' Lackey takes action on his own recognisance. He doesn't have the necessary resources here, but he does know how to lay hands on them.


Description summary:
Second paragraph and onwards varies based on the city's Hinterland City - Chosen Site.

Hinterland City - Chosen SiteThird Paragraph
Ealing[...] The Tentacled Entrepreneur, it seems, has some complicated relationship to Mr Fires. Through various hints [...] and applications of ominous sign language, Mr Fires' Lackey appears to have persuaded all of Helicon House that they must send supplies [...]

Thanks to this [...], the Magistracy sends several wagonloads of useful supplies, most [...] confiscated from prisoners. The constables are displeased to part with this modest accumulation of wealth [...] But that is a diplomatic problem for Mr Fires, not for you.

BalmoralMr Fires can instruct the Constables; Mr Fires' Lackey can give orders on his behalf.

The strategy is [...] unconventional. Mr Fires has few adherents in this neighbourhood […] But Mr Fires' Lackey is effective [...] The result is a jubilee for the whole city.

Station VIIISomewhere else in the Hinterland, the task might require ingenuity. But here in Station VIII? Nothing easier. Mr Fires' Lackey places a requisition in triplicate form. All that he requires is delivered by dirigible the following day.
BurrowHe informs the good people of Burrow-infra-Mump that they have been detected in works of Charity – indeed, even in Aggravated Philanthropy – and that their only recourse, if they wish not to be […] fined […] is immediately to surrender all the goods to you.

[Find the rest of the story at]


A failure that will not haunt you yet

The Lackey listens [...], but makes no immediate decision. This is bad. This means that he is consulting Someone Else.

The reply [...] is in the vehement negative. Your reputation here has taken no damage, but in London, you have perhaps made fresh enemies.