University Laboratory (Guide)/Calculators

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Since some of the calculations used in the laboratory can be rather involved, this page contains a few calculators to make things easier.

Circulate a draft of your findings[edit]

Research gain from Circulate a draft of your findings[edit]

This form calculates the amount of research you would gain from playing the card.

 template = Template:Calculator/Research Gain from Draft
 form = DraftResearchGain
 result = DraftResearchGainResult
 param = researched|Research done|200|int|200-15000
 param = required|Total research required|0|int|1-15000
 param = results|Number of Unexpected Results|0|int|0-777
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Research threshold from Circulate a draft of your findings[edit]

At some point, you reach the threshold where playing the card would put you over your Total Lab Research Required. This form calculates that threshold (provided that the number of your Unexpected Result doesn't change before reaching the threshold, of course). An easy to remember approximation is that the gain is about 10 * (the fraction of the project you've finished) * (Unexpected Results+10), e.g. 7.5*( URs+10) if you're about 75% done. (See spreadsheet.)

 template = Template:Calculator/Research Threshold from Draft
 form = DraftResearchThreshold
 result = DraftResearchThresholdResult
 param = required|Total research required|0|int|1-15000
 param = results|Number of Unexpected Results|0|int|0-777
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Collated Research[edit]

This calculates how much Volume of Collated Research you would get upon Tidying up your University Lab.

The formula is (0.6 × Unavoidable Epiphany) + (0.6 × Unwise Idea) + (0.2 × Unlikely Connection) + (0.2 × Unexpected Result) (rounded down).

 template = Template:Calculator/Collated Research from Lab
 form = CollatedResearch
 result = CollatedResearchResult
 param = epiphanies|Unavoidable Epiphanies|0|int|0-777
 param = ideas|Unwise Ideas|0|int|0-777
 param = connections|Unlikely Connections|0|int|0-777
 param = results|Unexpected Results|0|int|0-777
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The Laboratory Research gain from Discover what is mandated/Write to your Secret College for help is logistic with A Scholar of the Correspondence as the input and scaled by Equipment:

 template = Template:Calculator/Research Gain from Correspondence
 form = CorrespondenceResearch
 result = CorrespondenceResult
 param = equipment|Equipment|7|int|1-9
 param = asotc|A Scholar of the Correspondence|1|int|1-21
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