Unleash your dreams again

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Ambition: The Garden of Nightmares

Can they protect you from the Nothing-After-Death while you finish the game?

Unlocked with  exactly 620


Away! Away! Away!

The Nothing-After-Death [wrecks the garden] The Manager seems as affected by its presence as you […] You conjure them again […]

[See table below]

The Manager […] is broken by its defeat […]

Description summary:
Perhaps in an unwise decision, the Manager unleashed his nightmare – a personification of oblivion. You brought up your own dream-host again, and they defeat this one too. The Manager is exhausted.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

BattalionVarying passage
1[…] Your fires roar up in a protective circle […] Flames flick at the Nothing-After-Death […] blaze against its emptiness […] whittle at it, diminishing and revealing it until there is nothing left but the fear of it – and fear can be faced and fought.
2[…] The dead […] form a wall around you. "Tell us nothing comes after," they dare, "tell us that we are not what's next. Tell us that we are forgotten." They bind the Nothing in bandages, smothering it from view – until it is one of their own […]
3[…] lightning, a whip that cracks at the Nothing-After-Death. The rain follows, and the winds, and the thunder, crashing like all the chariots of heaven. […] "You are alive!" the storm says. […] The Nothing-After-Death is battered and blasted and drowned.
4[…] the chessboard soldiers […] advance in centuries-old formations. […] "Those who made us are gone, […] but we endure! Our forms and our strategies and our principles. […]" Against their logic, the Nothing is pinned, penned and made ridiculous. […]

Redirects to: Ambition: The Manager's Chance