
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

hasbro's guide to delicious flavor[edit]

world quality needs boarding house hasbro snacks skeletonreco (pull from grind doc) rat market vendables world events (major - rose, whitsun, zee, hallowmas, lacre world events (occasional noughtscrosses, crab, lifeberg,

Irem Guide[edit]

Prerequisite for full exploration: If you have finished the discordant studies story and have the thing or if you have done so much certifiable scrap.
You may also want. like. Wounds 4 and Nightmares 4 to 100% checks when going to no future?
Step 1. Visit all of the nine normal futures.
You need Ruined, Altered and Brilliant to get to the Neon Future. You need to have visited ALL OF THEM to get the reward in Neon Future.
Warps- Silky are Silver, Sinew has blood on the cards, Bombazine is bombagreen.
Banking cards is how you access the harder places on the loom. Since each future has different cards, you can sift the deck and bank the specific cards you need in your hand as you go. If you accidentally used your sinewy card you saved in a nearby future, you fucked it up. go BACK.
one route is nearby brilliant* jeweled chilly ruinous* silvered abyssal altered* back to abyssal dark is A way to go there, others exist that might be quicker by a couple actions.
you can also bounce around using mirrorcatch boxes. this is expensive. (* +2 cp knowledge of crossroads)
2. once this is done, you can go to the neon future, get the opportunity card for your shiny, AND ONLY AFTER THAT, pick a destiny on this page if that is what you want to do. doing this will kick you out of the neon future.
a. if you are still in neon future, and want to go from here to no future directly, i am not sure why you are like this. but you should be able to bank a bombazine card in neon future, use an apocyan box to bounce to abyssal, bank 2 more bombazine cards, and use another 2 bombazine cards to go to dark (that is a total of four bombazine cards you are drawing in abyssal). then you can use all three cards, plus your immaterial material and crossroads skill to go to no future.
b. if you are normal, just leave neon future, and come back from nearby (bank 1 bombazine, use 2 bombazine) to abyssal (bank 2 bombazine, use 2 bombazine) to dark (use 3 bombazine)

Do Not Perceive[edit]

//always draft version 0.0

I am simply going to write my notes down here, so I can say 'WELL IT'S ON THE WIKI' when people say they didn't know a thing.

First of all most of how actions are economized and calculated elsewhere on the wiki results are...not wrong, the maths are often correct, but let's call it 'less helpfully framed'. Now, I'll acknowledge that I have seen one guide linked from this wiki that may have explained it correctly for an instant, and then moved on from the concept completely! (att 1.1.3 guide; i am not managing links!).

tl;dr: echoes per action is bad because it is not relative to either how many echoes per action you are currently capable of or want to make; and, the economies a bafmodad is acquired through.

whatever bafmodad you wish to acquire? perhaps it can be purchased, and the purchase price is greater than the sale price. perhaps there are ways of acquiring this bafmodad more quickly than simply earning echoes and purchasing it? perhaps these ways require alternative methods you may not consider? perhaps these methods require alternative currencies that similarly aren't easily equatable to echo-based actions? There are at least four whole economic systems in this game, and dozens of carousels using intermediate qualia and quanta as currencies. perhaps the echo is ultimately not the most helpful one for generally describing the economy of actions?

I'll give a simple example. What's a drop of honey worth? I can buy it for 0.04 if I'm in London. I can sell it for 0.02. Which price is my reference for echoes per action? It's easy to give a cop-out answer of 'It depends on what I want to do with it. Do I want to use it or sell it? If I want to use it, each drop of honey I acquire reduces the net value of whatever work I need to perform by 0.04 echoes. If I want to sell it, I have performed 0.02 echoes worth of labor. OK, simple enough.

[add example earn calculations; maybe a light gating example: shuttered palace; veilgarden posi; lab; research. might be easier to show something on the 50p carousel; contrast with buy]

Unless I'm in the Upper River. I'm only an action away from the Bazaar, but let's asume I'm a perfectionist, or bound by the Correspondence to only take Correct And Deliberate Actions, somehow, and my body will dissolve in the event of an error. Then I need 0.06 echoes per unit of honey, same sale price, and it's a little unusual because over there, the currency is Hinterland Scrip (The price being in echoes reduces methods for forex arbitrage.) So now the price for something depends on where you are. It's starting to get complicated.

And if I can use another item or quality to create the bafmodad I want? Does it matter if I need to generate it beforehand or if I have a sufficient amount of it lying around to accomplish my goals?

These are important questions that add significant layers of complexity to our calculations. However, they become easier to answer if we allow our model another degree of freedom— specifically, that every item has a cost to acquire that is not necessarily linked to its Bazaar market value.

[on time; introduce the action-echo 𝜻; establish referents and baselines; expansion; infrastructure costs; 𝜻 synergies; spit? maybe pushing it]

Another consideration is the number of actions required to unlock a grind or process. All other things being equal, a 10 action 𝜻3 grind is better than a 20 action 𝜻3 grind simply because it is shorter - you are not locked in or committed to the process for an extra 10 actions if you have what you need. There are lots of activities you could be doing, and efficiency means choosing the ones that not only pay out the best relative to other options, but require the least in time and other resources to do so. Similarly, the actions and processes that you might need to undertake to unlock a piece of content like a railroad station, or university research project should be considered when comparing grinds. For example, Lastly, the order that things are accessed impacts the net effectiveness of a grind. It's easy to convince yourself that these are sunk costs, and wave them away as gambler's fallacy, but

[Offsetting actions by using social actions and why it's a great idea to have a few alts]