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A sorting-out of information about Khaganian Intrigues for my own reference for now, and maybe for guide use later.

Khaganian intrigues are action carousels that take place in Khan's Heart, across the zee in the Khanate, involving clandestine activities tied to The Great Game. They make use of Cover Identities and require high-level stats (both main Attributes and Advanced Skills) to complete efficiently, but yield valuable items.

Why pursue Khaganian intrigues?[edit]

From a gameplay and roleplaying perspective, intrigues will be particularly enjoyable for those interested in The Great Game, and those who enjoy creating Cover Identities (which are necessary to access Khan's Heart), zailing (as you will be travelling back and forth across the zee), the Chessboard (a major source of items used to make faster progress), and complex action carousels that require planning and strategising ahead of time.

As for mechanical rewards, intrigues yield a variety of valuable items, including:

In terms of Echoes per action, various intrigues can be worth ~4 EPA, increasing to ~5 EPA when selling the proceeds at the Rat Market.


Unlocking intrigues[edit]

Before you can engage in intrigues, you will need the following:

Once you have Cabinet Noir 4, you will be able to draw an Opportunity Card, A Letter from the Khanate, which will give you an Intercepted Document. Take this to Balmoral and decipher it in your Cabinet Noir to yield a Salt Steppe Atlas and Acquaintance: The Reformer of Reputations.

This will redirect you to the storylet Who is the Reformer of Reputations? Here you can Figure out a route to the Khanate (If you haven't already done so by using the Salt Steppe Atlas).

To access Khan's Heart, where intrigues take place, you'll need a Khaganian Front—an elaborate fiction that disguises your clandestine activities. The Reformer of Reputations is waiting in the Khanate to set this up for you, but you'll need to bring along a Cover Identity for him to work with. The specifics of your Cover Identity will determine what sort of Front he can construct, defined by its Outward Appearance of a Khaganian Front:, Methods of a Khaganian Front:, and Weapon of a Khaganian Front:. These aspects determine which actions you can take to advance your Intrigue, and which skills the challenges in Khan's Heart are based on.

Sound complicated? Don't worry; we're going to go through this one step at a time.

Choosing your skills[edit]

Challenges in Khan's Heart are based on three different sets of skills:

Current Time in the Khanate: determines which skill challenges are available each turn. Ideally, you'll want to be able to succeed at actions at every hour of the day, to avoid wasting actions.

The following table shows which skills can be used at each hour of the day. (Starred checks indicate challenges that increase in difficulty with Taimen's Attention.)

Timetable of Khan's Heart
Hour Current Time in the Khanate: Methods of a Khaganian Front: Weapon of a Khaganian Front: Outward Appearance of a Khaganian Front:
Watchful Shadowy Persuasive Kataleptic Toxicology Glasswork Mithridacy Respectable Dreaded Bizarre
1 False-Dawn ✓*
2 Early Morning
3 Morning
4 Midday ✓* ✓*
5 Early Afternoon
6 Afternoon
7 False-Dusk
8 Early Evening
9 Evening
10 Late Night
11 Nearly Midnight
12 Midnight

The upshot of all this: there are several possible combinations of skills that will cover the whole day in Khan's Heart. In the tables below are the actions comprising each of these strategies, along with the skill level needed to 100% the check.

Watchful + BDR
Current Time in the Khanate: Skill Location Option
1–4 Watchful 284 The Graphite Quarter Surveil the factories
4–9 Bizarre 14 The Realgar Quarter Listen to a Paranoid Novelist
Dreaded 14 The Iron Quarter Make arrangements with smugglers
Respectable 14 The Realgar Quarter Attend a Society party
9–12 Watchful 284 The Nephrite Quarter Surveil a merchant
Shadowy/Persuasive + Advanced Skills
Current Time in the Khanate: Skill Location Option
1–4 Mithridacy 10 The Nephrite Quarter Start a market panic
Glasswork 10 The Nephrite Quarter Influence certain dreams
Kataleptic Toxicology 10 The Nephrite Quarter Dispose of an impediment
4–9 Shadowy 284 The Iron Quarter Slip into a factory
Persuasive 284 The Iron Quarter Strike a conversation with a factory manager
9–12 Shadowy 284 The Porcelain Quarter Pickpocket an actress
Persuasive 284 The Nephrite Quarter Extricate information from a Recalcitrant Informant
Shadowy/Persuasive + Bizarre/Dreaded
Current Time in the Khanate: Skill Location Option
1–4 Bizarre 18 The Graphite Quarter Attend a Liberationist meeting in disguise
Dreaded 18 The Graphite Quarter Attend the presentation of a new weapon
4–9 Shadowy 284 The Iron Quarter Slip into a factory
Persuasive 284 The Iron Quarter Strike a conversation with a factory manager
9–12 Shadowy 284 The Porcelain Quarter Pickpocket an actress
Persuasive 284 The Nephrite Quarter Extricate information from a Recalcitrant Informant
Respectable + Advanced Skills
Current Time in the Khanate: Skill Location Option
1–4 Mithridacy 10 The Nephrite Quarter Start a market panic
Glasswork 10 The Nephrite Quarter Influence certain dreams
Kataleptic Toxicology 10 The Nephrite Quarter Dispose of an impediment
4–9 Respectable 14 The Realgar Quarter Attend a Society party
9–12 Respectable 18 The Porcelain Quarter Attend an operetta
One skill from each set
Current Time in the Khanate: Skill Location Option
1–4 Mithridacy 10 The Nephrite Quarter Start a market panic
Glasswork 10 The Nephrite Quarter Influence certain dreams
Kataleptic Toxicology 10 The Nephrite Quarter Dispose of an impediment
4–9 Bizarre 14 The Realgar Quarter Listen to a Paranoid Novelist
Dreaded 14 The Iron Quarter Make arrangements with smugglers
Respectable 14 The Realgar Quarter Attend a Society party
9–12 Watchful 284 The Nephrite Quarter Surveil a merchant
Shadowy 284 The Porcelain Quarter Pickpocket an actress
Persuasive 284 The Nephrite Quarter Extricate information from a Recalcitrant Informant

It may take a bit of trial and error to figure out which combination is the most doable with your equipment and stats. Some tips that might help:

  • Raise your Attribute caps if you haven't already. It will be easier to get to your target levels with equipment modifiers if your base skill levels are as high as you can get them.
  • Some skills tend to appear together as equipment bonuses more often than others. If you have multiple items that raise both Shadowy and Kataleptic Toxicology, for example, it may be easier to optimise both in the same outfit.
  • Check the Max Equipment Bonuses page for stat-raising equipment you may have access to but don't yet have.

Once you've decided which skills to focus on, you can create a Cover Identity that will allow you establish a Front that uses those skills.

Crafting a cover identity[edit]

A player-created Guide is available for this content: Cover Identities (Guide)

Cover Identities are crafted in your Cabinet Noir at Balmoral. Consult the guide linked above for an explanation of the process.

For the purposes of Khaganian intrigues, the sort of Cover Identity you'll need depends on the skills you picked in the previous step. The table below illustrates how each skill corresponds to an aspect of your Cover Identity, and what sort of Khaganian Front this will become.

Skill check Cover Identity quality Khaganian Front quality
Bizarre Cover Identity: Ties: Surface Outward Appearance of a Khaganian Front:: Academic
Dreaded Cover Identity: Ties: Dispossessed Outward Appearance of a Khaganian Front:: Criminal
Respectable Cover Identity: Ties: Bazaar Outward Appearance of a Khaganian Front:: Mercantile
Persuasive Cover Identity: Credentials: 5 Methods of a Khaganian Front:: Manipulation
Watchful Cover Identity: Nuance: 5 Methods of a Khaganian Front:: Observation
Shadowy Cover Identity: Witnesses: 5 Methods of a Khaganian Front:: Subversion
Mithridacy Cover Identity: Credentials: 5 Weapon of a Khaganian Front:: Disinformation
Glasswork Cover Identity: Nuance: 5 Weapon of a Khaganian Front:: Dream-Shaping
Kataleptic Toxicology Cover Identity: Witnesses: 5 Weapon of a Khaganian Front:: Poison

The first aspect of your Cover Identity that you will choose is Cover Identity: Ties, depending on which BDR skill you've chosen to use. If your strategy doesn't use BDR checks, you can choose whichever Ties you want. This determines the Outward Appearance of a Khaganian Front: of your Khaganian front.

Next, you will build up your Cover Identity, based on the other skills your strategy focuses on.

Finally, you will want to add Cover Identity: Elaboration and Cover Identity: Backstory to strengthen your Front.

  • Cover Identity: Elaboration increases the Khaganian Front: Obfuscation of your Front. Obfuscation is lost when you fail at skill checks, and if it reaches 0, you will have to establish a new front with a new Cover Identity. You need at least 1 Elaboration to establish a Front, but unless you can 100% all the checks, you should add more Elaboration to be safe, up to a maximum of 10.
  • Cover Identity: Backstory increases the Khaganian Front: Resilience of your Front. Resilience reduces how much Obfuscation you lose on failures. Backstory isn't required to establish a Front, but if you have any chance of losing Obfuscation, it's worth your while to add more Backstory, up to a max of 10.