
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)


  • Description: The location's description text (trim to 250 characters).
  • Unlocked with: The name of a quality/action which unlocks the location.
  • Main Quality (optional): A quality strongly associated with the location.
  • Deck (optional): If set to "yes", displays the "Custom Deck" image and a "Deck" section is added to the page, summarising the properties of the deck and adds a "Deck" section controlled by the parameters below. If set to "no", displays the "No Deck" image at the top right of the page and, in general, does not create a "Deck" section unless "LeaveCardMultiplier" parameter is set to "yes". If unset neither the image not the section will appear on the page. It is not recommended to set this to a value other than "yes" or "no" (or leaving it entirely unset).
    • UnlimitedDraws (optional): Can only be displayed if Deck is set to yes. Set to yes if this is an area with a deck that never runs out of card (e.g. A Flash Lay). Set to anything else if this is an area with a deck that has a maximum size (e.g. the main deck in Fallen London). If unset no information about deck size will be displayed.
    • EnterCardMultiplier (optional): Can only be displayed if Deck is set to "yes" and UnlimitedDraws is not set to "yes". Possible values for this parameter:
      • "refill" - Displays the message "When you enter this location your deck will start at its maximum capacity."
      • Any other non-empty string - Displays the default message "If you enter this location from another location with a limited deck size you will double the number of cards in your deck" with the word "double" replaced by the specified string.
    • LeaveCardMultiplier (optional): Displays different messages in the Deck section, depending on whether Deck is set to "yes" or "no":
      • If Deck is set to "yes" displays a message based on the parameter value (NB: Setting UnlimitedDraws also to "yes" will override this behaviour):
        • "refill" - Displays the message "When you leave this location to a location with a limited deck size your deck will start at its maximum capacity."
        • Any other non-empty string - Displays the message "If you leave this location to another location with a limited deck size you will double the number of cards in your deck.".
      • If Deck is set to "no", the messages are different:
        • "refill" - "This location does not have a deck of its own but when you leave this location to a location with a limited deck size your deck will start at its maximum capacity."
        • Any other non-empty string - displays the message "This location does not have a deck of its own but if you leave to another location with a limited deck size you will double the number of cards in your deck.". The word "double" can be changed via this parameter.
    • FixedHandSize (optional): Can only be displayed if Deck is set to yes. Set to yes if this is an area with a fixed hand of 3 cards. Set to anything else if this is an area where the hand size is determined by your Lodgings. If unset no information about hand size will be displayed.
    • HandResets (optional): Can only be displayed if Deck is set to yes. Set to yes if this is an area which resets your hand after you leave. Set to anything else if this is an area where the cards in your hand persist after you leave. If unset no information about the cards in hand will be displayed.