
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Which ship should I get?[edit]

Newly-minted PoSI and experienced players alike may have difficulty deciding what ship to get. This section covers the benefits of the different ships in the midgame, before unlocking piracy (see Piracy (Guide) for an overview relevant to the lategame.) Firstly, here's what each ship might say about you as a player:

What does my ship say about me?
  • I can't really afford any of the other ships yet
  • I haven't decided what I want to do with my ship
  • A ship is a means to avoid swimming (although it's probably equally fast)

  • When zailing, I just want to reach my target as fast as possible — all that BDR is slowing my ship down
  • Why avoid enemy ships when you can run laps around them?
  • A ship is a means of getting from A to B in the least amount of actions

  • I can zail for days without needing to resupply, and my vessel will always be safe against Zee-Beasts
  • I'm an eccentric gentleperson willing to wrest my designs from blueprint to reality
  • A proper ship is a means to explore the entire Unterzee — not just the surface

  • I care more about the journey than the destination. Preferably a long journey. With hors d'oeuvres
  • I need as much BDR / Respectable as I can get for Paramount Presence, Khaganian Intrigue or other goals
  • I wanted the discount for
  • ?
  • ?
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